Let's Hold Hands

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Narrator: It all happened on this day. December sixteenth, seven-hundred- and -eighty-four. On Tenrou Island. 

Opening: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12ZwT9qIF2zrSehhv8Pv1jVP5_1raO0JG/view 

Shana's P.O.V

As Gray and were making our way back to camp with everyone a deep, booming sound echoed above the sky. We stopped dead in our tracks as it tensed us up. "Did you hear that?" Gray asked as a bit of sweat dropped from his side. I had a gut feeling that something was right. "I can't mistake that sound." I said as uneasiness washed over me.  It almost sounded like a dragon roar. "Let's quickly get back to the others." Alastor said. 

Our of nowhere was a loud thunderous roar! We gasped

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Our of nowhere was a loud thunderous roar! We gasped. "There's no mistake about its a dragon's roar!" I said. "Are you sure?" Gray asked. I just nod. Though it was more dark. I don't think it could be Amphitrite. It roared again.

"Hey, is everyone all right?" Gray shouted as we reached the others.  Kilala had jumped into my arms. 

"Did you guys hear that crazy noise?" Happy shouted from the opposite direction. 

 "Yeah, what was it?" Lisanna asked. 

Gildarts groans feeling a sharp pain from his left shoulder. "Are you okay?" Cana asked him worriedly. "My wounds are startin' to burn like hell. There's no doubt about it. That dragon... he's gettin' real close." He grunts. 

"Look up at the sky! Something's coming this way." Lily points up. 

As Natsu looks up he gasped in utter shocked. "Natsu what's the matter?" Happy asked him. He gasped too when he stares at the sky. 

My breath hitch when we spotted a black dragon with blue markings flying in the clouds. "Holy crap!" Gray yelled in disbelief.  It was massive. "That things humongous!" Elfman points out. It was flying right at us. Kilala wouldn't stop growing, her fur was standing up. 

"It is a dragon!" Bixslow shouted. 

"I don't believe it!" Lucy mutters as a gust of wind was blown at us. 

"You gotta be kiddin'." Gajieel's eyes widen. 

"I don't think it's a friendly one." Wendy sweat drops. 

"It's power is unreal." I said nervously bring my arms up to shield myself from the harsh winds. 

"I knew it. I was right all along. They still exist." Natsu said. 

"I'm afraid that's Acnologia. The black dragon of the apocalypse." Gramps informed us. 

"Yeah. It's definitely him." Gildarts said recognizing that dark dragon.  "You're not serious?" Alastor asked them. 

"That sounds bad. What the heck are we gonna do?" Lucy asked them. 

"Hey, dragon! You know where I can find Igneel?" Natsu asked it. I face palmed.  "Tell me! Amphitrite, Grandeeney and Metallicana too!" 

Shana's Fairy Tail Adventures Book #1 Gray X Shana X Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now