Kilala Come Home

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Author's note: This is another filler chapter I wanted to do for Kirara,  (which is pronounce Kilala)who's from the anime Inuyasha. She is Sango's partner. This actually another episode from Inuyasha it's season Season 4 episode 97 which is also titled 'Kirara come home'

Happy's voice:

Our friend Kilala is a feline nekomata demon with two tails. When she battles, she grows in size and even flies through the air. Most of the time, though, she's just a loveable little cat. she's very good nature and puts up with peoples stubborn ways. You should teach them a lesson once in a while, Kilala.

 You should teach them a lesson once in a while, Kilala

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Normal P.O.V

While Shana, Kilala, and their friends Natsu where sleeping soundly through the night, something had awoken the twin tail cat Kilala up.

Shana's P.O.V

Hearing the birds chipper made me flutter my eyes open as I let out a groan. I hate mornings. Sometimes they can such a drag...... Especially when Natsu and Happy crashed at my place again last night. Apparently they were gonna stay at Lucy's but she kicked them out. I would've too but I didn't have the energy to put up with these two idiots. 

I sigh staring at a sleepy pink haired dragon slayer. "It's the first thing the morning do you really have to snore that loud?" My eye twitched. "It was like that all night." Alastor comments as he was on my nightstand. 

But I then notice something was off. "Kilala?" I scanned the room for her. "Kilala!" I called out again and didn't get a responded making me worried. Normally she would sleeping next to me. "Alastor, have you seen Kilala?" I asked him. "I did see her get up in the middle of the night but I just simply thought she went to the bathroom." He said. But if she needed to go she would've notified me. 

I started shaking Natsu up. " Natsu!" He groan as he turned around. "Five more minutes." I sweat dropped. "Natsu!" I shouted making him wake up. "What's up?" He asked rubbing his tired eyes. "Have you seen Kilala anywhere?" I asked him. He just lets out a yawn. "Is she not here?" He asked as I shook my head. "If she was I wouldn't be asking you idiot." I deadpanned him.  "Maybe she's already at the guild?" Happy suggested as he woke up too. I frowned. "But she wouldn't just walk off like that without telling me." I place a hand on my chin thinking. 

"She's only been gone for a while. That ain't no reason for everyone to start panicky." Natsu told me. I glared at him. He panics.  "I'm just saying you can't go around worrying about little thing that goes wrong. Give her some space. She'll come back before you know it." He tried to reassure me. 

"I don't know." I said as my worries only increased. "Come on stop worrying would ya? Kilala can take care of herself. " He said. I know he was trying to help me feel better but I just couldn't. 

Shana's Fairy Tail Adventures Book #1 Gray X Shana X Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now