Battle Of Fairy Tail

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Natsu: Hey guys, ready for some more Fairy Tail? Just make sure when your watching you turn the light on in the room and don't sit too close to the T

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Natsu: Hey guys, ready for some more Fairy Tail? Just make sure when your watching you turn the light on in the room and don't sit too close to the T.V

Shana's P.O.V

Coming home after doing a solo mission Gramps has given me, I carefully checked my house to see if those losers somehow got in and crashed my place while I was gone. They somehow love to crash in but ever since Lucy joined we've been crashing at hers. "Looks like coast is clear." I said peeking out from my bedroom door.

"Finally a peaceful around here." Alastor chuckles. "I'm gonna go take a bath okay Alastor." I told him taking him off around my neck. He just hummed in response. I place a bowl of fish for Kilala to eat while i"m in the bath.

Stepping into my bath flash's of my fight with Gray back at the tower appeared in my mind. Shaking my head to get them I couldn't stop thinking about that event. I sink lower into the water till the line reached above my mouth.

'I need to get stronger. So I wont ever be controlled like a tool again.' I had thought about seeing my so call mother for some extra training but I know her training is a killer machine. 'Anahita, what would you do? I can't face hurting my friends again.' I honestly had lost hope on finding Anahita since I haven't been getting any lead on her.  I even went to the trouble to as Gajieel if he knew anything but he told nothing his dragon was gone on the same day. It has to mean something right? There's no way the would just leave us like that on the exact same day.

Sighting I got out of the tub and dried myself off. Getting into my Pajamas I jumped on to my bed. "Ah. That hit the spot." I felt nice and relax. I grunt when I felt something underneath my pillow. Pulling it out I had an anime vain popping out. "This better not be what I think it is." I sat up pulling the funny looking scarf out.

"What the heck are you two doing here?" I half yelled pulling out Natsu and Happy

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"What the heck are you two doing here?" I half yelled pulling out Natsu and Happy. "G'morning." Natsu said half asleep. "Don't you two have your own place to hang out at?" I asked having a question mark above my head. "Give me five more minutes would ya?" Natsu went back on my bed not being bother to put up a fight with me like he usually does. "You must be dreaming." I grew annoyed.

Shana's Fairy Tail Adventures Book #1 Gray X Shana X Natsu)Where stories live. Discover now