Natsu and Shana V.S Gray

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Author's Note: Hey guys hope you all had a great new year sorry I haven't been updating I was recently on vacation and didn't have wifi to update where I was staying so now I'm back and ready to keep updating 

Shana's P.O.V

So, here we are a this strange motel where this Daphne claims she had seen a dragon recently rumored by Gray but turns out this was a trap to get her hands on a real dragon slayer. That's not the worst part. The worst part is Gray has been helping her with these scream all along. Now, he wants to fight Natsu for no appealing reason. 

He was already getting his ice magic activated. "He looks mad." Wendy pointed out his glare on Natsu. "Please let this be a bad dream." Happy pleaded. "Wendy, get behind us. Just do it." Natsu warned the sky dragon slayer. "Kilala stay with her." I ordered my twin tail cat who only nods as she transformed into her saber cat form. 

"He's not joking around Shana." Natsu told me seeing Gray was serious about this fight. "Yeah, I know." I said. He won't make this easy either. 

"Why are you doing this Gray? Is it because you don't have the guts to ask out Shana?" Happy asked him worriedly. I shriek. "Don't be such an idiot!" Carla shouted at him for me. That's something I don't want to think about right now. "Please don't fight." Wendy begged them. 

"Stay out of our way ice make: lance!" He shotted his ice lance at Natsu. Natsu and I both dogged it. He was using full force. 

"You three have always butted heads but there's no need for this."Happy said. 

Daphne chuckles. "My, my. You just don't get it do you?  Start fighting back or you'll be screwed like a popsicle. Now Gray Fullbuster go get me a dragon slayer." She teased. 

"You'll get one soon enough." Gray said 

"This isn't like you at all Gray. What's going on?" Natsu asked him. 

"Isn't it obvious by now? What I wanna know is why you're standing there doing nothing about it." He shot his ice lance attack again. Though he only seemed to be aiming for Natsu. 

"You think this Gray's a fake?" Wendy questioned. "I suppose it's possible he has seem magic like that before but I'm not sure." Carla said. "No Wendy is right! This ones totally different from the Gray we know and love!" Happy shouted trying to get somewhere. 

"What do you mean by that?" Alastor asked the cat. "Yeah, he obviously still has the same scent believe it or not. What could be wrong about this one?" I told him. "Well for starters ---" Happy was about to say till Gray took off his clothes. 

"If you keep dogging this will get boring come on!" Gray smirked at him. 

"He took his clothes off! This guy is the real Gray after all!" Happy panicked I sweat dropped. "Are you kidding me?" I deadpanned. 


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