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Lee Y/n's POV

"MOMMY! FASTER! DADDY'S GONNA BE HERE SOON!" Junhyun called from the living room, excitement and panic was clearly evident on his voice that left a soft chuckle from my mouth.

"Wait up! I'm still looking for the lighters." I said roaming my eyes around to find the thing I was looking for.

"IT'S ON THE UPPER DRAWER UNDER THE SINK!" He instructed impatiently. I just smiled and shook my head.

I opened the drawer he was talking about, and there, I found the lighter. I walked in to the living room and saw Junhyun peeking his eyes at the window.

"I think let's wait for daddy before I lit the candle, no?" I asked him that made him looked at me. He smiled and nod cutely. He walked towards me, kicking the balloons that were blocking his path, lips plucking out.

"Do you think daddy would love this?" He asked worriedly, trying to climb up from my legs.

I lifted him up to my arms and pinched his nose that furrowed his temples.

"Of course., why wouldn't he, if you were the one who prepared it for him, right?" I said, his lips curved into smile and he nod at me.

After a while, we heard a car stopped in front of our house, turning off its engine. Junhyun's eyes widened and jumped out of my hold. He looked at the window then looked at me.

"Daddy! Lit the candle now mommy! Faster!" He said excitedly. He turned off the lights, and I lit the candle that was on the cake and held it high. We both stand in front of the door. I, holding a cake and him holding a party horn.

Few seconds later, the door opened and a fine lad came in.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!" We both shouted in unison, after, Junhyun blew the horn. The man was clearly surprised but, later on smiled, as he saw us. He walked in and lifted up Junhyun into his arms, connecting both of their foreheads and kissed the tip of the adorable bean's nose.

"Did you prepare all of this?" He asked the kid, snuggling at his cheeks. Junhyun smiled a him and nod. I cooed.

"Thank you. I love it!" He said then looked at me. A curve from my lips showed off at him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Daddy! Daddy! Mommy cooked for us!" Junhyun said that made the man jokingly widened his doe eyes and smiled showing off his sharp teeth and a vent on his cheeks, I chuckled.

"Before that, blow this candle first Taehyun. I'm getting tired." I said while smiling at them.

Terry walked towards me and blew the candle. Junhyun clapped excitedly, as he jumped off of the latter's hold, and he pulled both of us towardsthe kitchen.

We were now at the dining table, Terry and I sitting face to face while, Junhyun at the edge-center of ours. I cooked spaghetti, fried chicken, and of course, a pack of ramyeon that suits our taste. I also ordered a box pizza and a gallons of Ice cream.

It's been 5 years since I moved out from Seoul and lived here at Incheon. Junhyun is turning 5, few months from now. I was happily raising him together with Yuna and Jaster, of course, Taehyun as what he has promised.

He never leave my side. He was there from the very beginning and give Junhyun everything he needs. Junhyun grew up as a very wise kid, a senseful inquisitive kid. On top of that, he never gave me a headache, even helped me doing house chores. He was like a fully grown up man living in a baby's body. He's very intelligent and very mature kid, which I assumed he adopted that from Taehyun. You won't think he's just a 4 year old kid, since he is very well spoken man of words.

AND THIS IS OUR FATE ✓SEQUEL (Choi Yeonjun and Kang Taehyun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now