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Lee Y/n's POV

I parked my car, and walked inside of the house. I saw Taehyun's car outside so I excitedly entered the house.

"I'm home." I uttered as I stepped my foot inside. But someone caught my attention. I looked at him surprised as I saw who was the owner of the broad shoulders and raven hair. I felt my soul left my body and nervousness was the only thing I feel at this moment. He either surprised seeing me.

"Beomgyu?" I mumbled. I looked at Taehyun for answers, he just nod at me.

"Hyung, this is my family." Taehyun stated proudly. I furrowed my brows still don't know what's happening.

I never imagined that we'll be in this kind of situation. I looked at Junhyun and he was just innocently looking at us. I walked towards Taehyun. He reached for my hands, he pulled me closer to him. He called Junhyun and he carried him at his arms. Beomgyu still looking at us confused.

"What do you mean. What family? Y/n? What's happening?" He asked.

"You asked me, right? Why I don't often spend time with all of you? Because of them. I have my own priorities hyung. I need to spend my little free time with them." Taehyun said. I looked at him and he just pressed my shoulder gently to let me know everything's going to be fine.

"How? How did it happened? I don't understand." Beomgyu uttered. Taehyun put down Junhyun and he walked towards him.

"I don't know how I could explain it to you. All I know was, we had Junhyun and that's it." Taehyun said.

Beomgyu breathed deep and walked towards the couch and sit. Our eyes followed him. We were conquered by silence. Beomgyu stared nowhere and didn't dared to speak.

Taehyun seated beside him. All I did was to stare at them and keep my mouth shut, even Junhyun didn't utter any word and choose to be silent.

"Did Yeonjun hyung knew about this?" He asked. I bit my lips.

"He doesn't have to know-" before Taehyun could finish his sentence, Beomgyu cut him off.

"He deserves to know!" He said sternly. Tears were formed on my eyes. I bit my lips harder to prevent it from falling.

"For what? I thought you'll understand me? I thought you'll listen to me?" Taehyun asked him calmly. Beomgyu didn't respond.

"Baby, go to your room. Daddy, Mommy and Uncle Beomgyu has something to talk about." Taehyun added.

"Yes daddy." He said then walked towards his room. A few steps away from his door, he stopped and looked at Beomgyu, "Uncle Gyu, I am so glad to meet you." He said and walked inside finally. Beomgyu left dumbfounded.

I walked towards them and sat at the single couch. Taehyun and Beomgyu were sitting next to each other.

"Hyung, listen to me." Taehyun started, "Yeonjun hyung doesn't have anything to do about us. Do you get my point? We don't have anything to explain and tell him. Please understand. Hyung, I trust you. I trusted you, you won't tell Yeonjun about this." He added. Beomgyu looked at us and he sighed in defeat.

"Taehyun-ah, what was Junhyun's favorite food?" He asked and he smiled at us. Taehyun looked at me confused. I smiled at him.

We looked at Beomgyu and he was still smiling at us.

AND THIS IS OUR FATE ✓SEQUEL (Choi Yeonjun and Kang Taehyun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now