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Lee Y/n's POV

We finally got home after an hour of ride. I closed my eyes as nervousness entered my body. How can I face Taehyun and explained to him why I didn't had a chance to answer his calls.

I came back to my senses when I felt Yeonjun's hand on my shoulders. I looked at him and he was looking at me confused.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I nod my head at him. I took off mine and Junhyun's glasses and Yeonjun also took off his.

I unclasped Junhyun's baby seatbelt. Yeonjun came out of the car and walked towards to our side. He opened the door and get Junhyun from my hands carefully. I took off mine and get out of the car. I looked at our house and exactly Taehyun looked at the window. I closed my eyes and breathed deep.

Yeonjun walked towards the front door and I followed. Taehyun opened the door. Our eyes met, I smiled at him nervously but he turned away his gaze from me. I bit my lip as my heart beats faster.

"I'll bring Junhyun to his room." Yeonjun uttered. Taehyun looked at him and shook his head.

"No. I'll do it." Taehyun answered seriously.

Yeonjun didn't have a choice but to give Taehyun, Junhyun. He turned his back from us and walked towards the kid's room. I looked at Yeonjun and he was looking at me confused as well. I gave him a weak smile and shrugged my shoulder.

"You can go now." I said.

"Let me just wait for Taehyun." He said smiling. I smiled back at him and nod.

After a while, Taehyun came back with the same serious expression he had before he brought Junhyun at his room. My nervousness came back as I felt Taehyun's serious look at me. I looked at him apologetically.

"Why are you still here?" Taehyun asked. I bit my lip in nervousness.

"Love..." I called, but he ignored me and was still looking at Yeonjun.

"I waited for you. I'll go now. See you tomorrow. Thank you for this day. You're the best." Yeonjun answered. Taehyun just stared at him blankly without any response.

"Y/n, thank you. I had a great time with you and Junhyun. I'll go now. Good night." Yeonjun said tapping my shoulders. I widened my eyes on him and he just smiled at me.

He finally walked away and drove off. I was back facing Taehyun but I can feel his gaze on me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I faced him. I smiled at him and tried to held his hands but he walked inside without talking to me. He seated at the couch and watched the TV. I pouted and felt guilty of what I have done.

I walked towards him and seated beside him. He didn't looked at me and he was completely ignoring my presence.

"Love?" I called for him. He didn't bother to answer nor looked at me.

"Taehyun?" I again called but didn't get any response.

"Taehyun-a" still no response.

"Terry." I called, and that was the time he threw his gaze on me. I smiled at him apologetically.

"I'm sorry. I didn't had the chance to open my phone because the Amusement Park was crowded and I can't took my eyes away from Junhyun. I'm sorry." I explained.

AND THIS IS OUR FATE ✓SEQUEL (Choi Yeonjun and Kang Taehyun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now