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Choi Yeonjun's POV

No one dared to speak as we gather around at Taehyun and Y/n's house. Soobin and I were sitting at the single couch, Beomgyu were sitting beside Taehyun who is comforting Y/n, that is now more calmer than earlier.


"You fucking bitch!" Y/n yelled at Rainah. Kai, Beomgyu and Taehyun followed behind her. My eyes landed on her. She was crying and sobbing hard. Taehyun pulled her towards him, calming her, but his eyes were glaring at Rainah who was held by two policemen.

"What did I do wrong that you have planned on killing me? You almost killed my child you son of a bitch!" Y/n again yelled and tried to grab Rainah, luckily, Taehyun was there to stop her.

"What are you talking about? I know anything!" Rainah answered that made Y/n more furious.

I remained silent as I was listening to them. Anger was still on me, I tried to get off of Soobin but there's no way he'll loose his grip on me. Rainah looked at me that made everyone to look at me as well. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist.

"Love, believe me. I can't do that." She said pleading to believe her, I glared at her.

"Go to hell, bitch." Her eyes widened. The cops took her out and brought to the police station to serve her what she deserve.


Kai was walking back and forth can't relax thinking about, I don't know what is it. I looked at Taehyun and he was hugging Y/n to his chest, caressing her hair and giving small kisses into her forehead. I took away my gaze and it landed it into Soobin who is looking at me intently.

"How did she do this?" Kai suddenly spoke up. All our attention turned into him. He was standing at the center biting his nails.

"She was a complete psycho." I stated, that made them look at me.

"Psycho and yet you still dated her, spend time with her, completely forget Junhyun to be with her and even planning on marrying her? Aren't you a psycho as well?" Taehyun uttered, the boy's gasped while looking at us. Y/n looked at him and then on me with a questioning look. I glared at him.

"Marry her? What does that mean, hyung?" Soobin asked. I looked at him and he was looking at me confused.

"I heard Rainah and Bang Pd-nim talking at his office. She said that they scheduled a press conference to announce their marriage." Taehyun answered. They looked at him but he was looking straight at me.

"What are you talking about?" Beomgyu asked.

"Ask him." He answered pointing me. They looked at me waiting for my answer. I clenched my fist remembering how much R/g did to manipulate and hold me on her hand. I might kill her if she stood in front of me right now.

"Is that true, hyung?" Kai asked.

"She threatened me." I answered.

"What do you mean?" Soobin asked. I looked at Taehyun and he didn't expected my answer. I gave him a weak smile before answering.

"She has pictures, of me, Y/n and Junhyun. As well as yours with them. She said that she'll post it on social media, and spread rumors to destroy us. Your family and the group. In exchange for not doing it, I need to stay away from Junhyun and Y/n, I need to marry her. I swear I didn't have any choice, I don't want to suffer Y/n and Junhyun, so I agreed. I didn't want to go away from my kid. But I need to, to protect him." I answered and tears fell from my eyes, unintentionally.

Taehyun's mouth was slightly open, his brows were furrowed. The other four boys was also shocked of what I have said. Y/n looked at me in pity, tears were also fell from her eyes. I gave her a smile saying, it's okay. She wiped her tears and took away her gaze from me.

"W-why didn't you tell us?" Soobin asked, but I didn't bother to look at him. My gaze was on Taehyun who is also looking at me.

"I told you, I have my reasons." I said, still looking at him. He turned away his gaze as well. I looked at Soobin and I saw him biting his lips, trying to stop his tears from falling.


Lee Y/n's POV

"I told you, I have my reasons." He said. I looked down on my nails as tears fell down on my cheeks.

Why does it has to be like this? All I want is to have a happy life. All I want is what's best for my child. I want him to be happy and give him everything what he deserves. He is too precious to undergone so much this trouble. All I want is to have a peaceful life with Junhyun. Why does it has to be like this?

I felt Taehyun's hand wrapped on my shoulders once again. He pulled me closed to him and I buried my face to his chest and cried again silently he brushed my hair and hugged me tight. I wrapped my hands on his back and pushed my body towards him. He gave me his body and kissed me on my forehead.

"It's okay now. I'll not let her do anything to you and Junhyun again." He whispered into my ears. I cried more and hugged him tight.

We heard our door opened, I get off of his hold and looked at the door. Junhyun entered the house running, Jaster and Yuna walked behind him. He ran towards the both of us.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Junhyun cried, jumping towards our hold. We hugged him tight as I cried kissing him on his cheeks. I looked above and saw Jaster and Yuna looking at me. I gave Junhyun to Taehyun, I stood up and walked towards them. They opened their arms and I gladly turned over my body to them. I cried as I felt their hands on my back caressing back and forth for comfort.

"It's okay. It's all done now. Everything's gonna be fine." Yuna said.

"I'm going to shave her hair off, don't worry." Jaster added. I chuckled while tears dripping off because of what he said. I looked at them and they both smiled at me.

I sat back beside Taehyun and hugged Junhyun again. I looked at Yeonjun and he was looking at us. I smiled at him.

"Junhyun, your Daddy Jun is over there. Go give him a hug." I said. Junhyun furrowed his eyebrows seems he didn't notice Yeonjun was here with us. He turned his gaze at his back and saw Yeonjun. He smiled widely and ran to him.

"Daddy!" He exclaimed and jumped to the man. Yeonjun smiled as he grew fond of the boy. He looked at me and smiled thankfully. I looked at Taehyun and he was smiling at me. He pulled me into a hug and gave me a peck on my lips which made me flustered. I hope everything will went fine starting today.

 I hope everything will went fine starting today

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