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Lee Y/n's POV

"Junhyun's favorite uncle is here!" A man entered our house shamelessly.

"Uncle Beomgyu!" Junhyun exclaimed and jumped into Beomgyu. I shook my head as I prepare our meal.

Today's Saturday. Meaning, it's our family day. We called it family day since Saturday is Taehyun's free time which means, he'll be able to spend a day at house. Today's the first Saturday Beomgyu will join us.

"Favorite uncle my ass, I am his favorite uncle, back off." A man mumbled from his back. Junhyun looked at him and he smiled widely as he saw him.

"Uncle Kai!" Junhyun get out of Beomgyu's hold and ran to Kai. Beomgyu pouted his lips.

"I told ya." Kai teased him and he frowned.

"Why didn't you visit me for so long?" Junhyun asked Kai pouting. The man pinched his nose bridge.

"Uncle Kai's been very busy. I'm sorry." He explained. Junhyun just nod and smiled at him.

"Junhyuniee, Uncle Beomgyu bought you toys! Why don't you come and hug me?" Beomgyu interrupted. Junhyun also get off of Kai's hold and ran to his Uncle Gyu, now it's Kai's turn to frown.

"That's unfair!" Kai mumbled. I laughed at their talk.

"How is it there?" Taehyun said hugging me from the back. I smiled as I felt his embrace.

"It'll be done after 5 minutes." I said. He rested his chin at my shoulders.

"Tired?" I asked. He nod his head.


"Hmmm?" He hummed.

"He's not coming?" I turned my head at him.

"He said he still have things to do. Plus, Yeonjun might suspect if we all came here and left him behind." He explained. I nod at his answer.

"Ahhhhhh!" Junhyun screamed from the living room. Both Taehyun and I panicked and we ran through his place.

"Junhyun! What happened?!" Taehyun rushed at Junhyun's sight and we saw him carried by Beomgyu, crying.

"He slipped on the toy car while he was playing. His head bumped on the edge of the couch." Kai explained. Taehyun get Junhyun at Beomgyu's arms. I looked at his forehead and there's a small lump at it.

I ran inside the kitchen and got an ice cube. I put it in the ice bag and came back to them and saw no one at the living room.

"Where are they?" I mumbled to my self.

"Y/n! What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Beomgyu said, he was standing at the door.

"Where? Where's Junhyun?" I asked.

"Taehyun's waiting at his car. We're bringing Junhyun to the hospital." He said that made my eyes widened.

"What?!" I ran through his car and opened the back door.

I saw Junhyun sitting on Kai's lap, confused on what's happening, Beomgyu also entered the car, I looked at Taehyun raising my eyebrows.

"Get in! We need to bring Junhyun at the hospital!" Taehyun exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at him and get Junhyun out of the car.

AND THIS IS OUR FATE ✓SEQUEL (Choi Yeonjun and Kang Taehyun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now