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Choi Yeonjun's POV

"Did you enjoy?" I asked the kid beside me, smiling. He looked at me and smiled he also nod his head.

"Yes uncle. Can we go back here again sometimes?" He asked excitedly. The smile that was plastered on my face was soon faded as I realized what he have said. He looked at me confused.

"I don't know when we could go back here again, kiddo. Your Daddy and Mommy might not let me." I said and smiled at him faintly. His eyes saddened as he heard my statement.

"But don't worry. Uncle will try to see you again some other time." I said smiling widely, his face brightened and he nod his head.

My phone ranged so I get it to see who was calling and it was Soobin. I answered the phone.


"Hyung! Bring Junhyun at the dorm, now! I am waiting. Taehyun said I can now bring him home. Faster!" He said and ended the call.

I looked at Junhyun and stood up. I also helped him to stand up. He was looking at me questioning.

"Let's go home. Uncle Soobin said he needs to bring you home, your Daddy might kill him if he won't do that in time." I said and chuckled, he also laughed.

We hopped in to the car and drove back to the city. Junhyun fell asleep after a minute of drive. I looked at him and I smiled as I saw him sleeping with mouth wide open.

Few moments later and we arrived at the dorm. I untied my seatbelt and lean towards Junhyun to untie his as well. I stared at him for a while.

He has this heart shape pouty lips and a chubby cheeks. Earlier, his eyes was big that maybe he got either from Taehyun or Y/n. But his face over all seems a mixture of both their features. I don't know. He doesn't look like Y/n so much, he neither doesn't look like Taehyun as well, but surely he got his father's smile and cute deep dimples.

He later on, moved his head and squinted his eyes, "Daddy?" He said as he opened his eyes. He was startled as soon as he saw me but after, he also smiled. I smiled back at him.

"We're here." I said and he roamed his eyes around.

Soobin got out from the dorm and walked towards the car. He opened the passenger seat and get Junhyun out. I also got out of the car and walked towards them.

"Did you enjoy your time with Uncle Jun?" Soobin asked the kid and he excitedly nod.

"Yes uncle! We played beside the Han river. We ate Ice cream, we also ate dinner together and roamed around! It was fun!" Junhyun said. Soobin looked at me and he was smiling widely. I smiled back at him. He looked back at the boy and pinched his cheeks.

"I am glad you had a great time with Uncle Jun. But can you please promise me, you won't tell your Daddy and Mommy that you're with him? Tell them we were together the whole time, can you promise me that?" Soobin asked Junhyun and he just nod.

"Good. Let's go. Daddy and Mommy are waiting for you." Soobin said.

Junhyun walked towards me and opened his arms. I lifted him and he hugged me, I hugged him back tightly. He kissed me on my cheeks that made my smile grew wider. I looked at Soobin and he was just looking at us in awe.

"Bye Uncle Jun! See you again!" Junhyun said. I also bid my good bye at him and they started to walked away.

I sighed and smiled to myself before I walked in to the house.


Lee Y/n's POV

"Are you happy?" Taehyun asked me as I smelled the bouquet of red roses that he gave me earlier. I smiled at him.

"Of course. Thank you for this." I said and he just kissed my forehead.

We were now sitting at the couch waiting for Soobin to bring Junhyun home. His hands were wrapped around my shoulders and my head was leaning on his chest as I was looking at the flowers.

Taehyun prepared a surprise for the celebration of our 200th day. He said that Kai and Beomgyu helped him arranged the dinner table, the balloons, the candles and the lights in our house. He prepared a home dinner date, and Soobin was in charge in taking care of Junhyun. My heart was full as I saw everything he did for this day. I just felt bad that I didn't gave him anything.

"I am sorry. I didn't prepared anything for you." I mumbled and looked up to meet his eyes. He just shook his head and smiled at me.

"Having you here beside me and Junhyun with us is a very nice gift. You both are enough for me. I can't ask for more." He said smiling, I smiled at him and hugged him tight, he as well hugged me.

A few moments later, and the front door opened showing off Junhyun's excitedly run towards us, and Soobin following him.

"Mommy! Daddy!" He said and jumped in the middle of us. He looked at me proudly.

"Did you like our surprise, mommy? I helped daddy!" He said. I looked at Taehyun and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Yes. Of course, I did. Thank you so much." I said and kissed him. He hugged me and Taehyun joined us. After, I looked at Soobin and smiled.

"Thank you for taking care of Junhyun." I said and he just smiled at me.

"I just brought Junhyun here, I have to go now." He said. Taehyun stood up and accompanied Soobin out. Junhyun and I was left in the couch alone.

"I had a great day mommy! I was so happy today." He said, eyes was screaming great happiness. I smiled at him and kissed him on top of his nose.

"I am glad you had fun with Uncle Soobin." I said.

Taehyun soon walked in and sat beside us. He looked at me smiling, I smiled back at him and lean my head at his shoulders while Junhyun was still in the middle.

"Thank you." I muttered, referring to Taehyun.

Taehyun's been so good to us. He was a great father and a great friend for the past years, and now, he tried his best to be a great partner. He never was never less, he gave us everything he could give. He loves Junhyun like his own. He never let Junhyun felt incomplete, and so as on me. He never let me feel alone in everything I faced. He never left my side. He doesn't even ask for anything in return.

He was ready to take risk for us. He was ready to give up all he had for us. If this isn't love, I don't know what to call it anymore. I was so glad, he has been here all this time.

"How many times should I tell you, not to thank me?" He chuckled, and kissed me on my forehead. I just smiled.

"But you're always welcome." He answered and hugged us both in tight.

"I love you both." He said leaning his chin on my head.

" He said leaning his chin on my head

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