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Lee Y/n's POV

It's already 12 midnight and I am here sitting at the living room waiting for Taehyun to come home. I've been calling him for who knows how many times but he doesn't bother to answer. I'm checking my phone from time to time waiting for his message that he won't be home but to my dismay, he didn't.

I jolted when I heard a car's engine stopped in front of the house. I released a relief smile as I looked at the window and saw Taehyun coming out from his car. I opened the door and he was surprised to see me.

"Where have you been?" I asked, but he just walked passed by me. I smelled alcohol from him. I closed the door and followed him. He walked to the kitchen and drink a glass of water.

"Taehyun, talk to me." I said, he stopped and looked at me blankly, but didn't utter any word.

"I-I'm sorry." I mumbled nervously. He put down the glass of water and walked towards me. I looked up on him hands shaking. He held my wrist and pulled me closer to him, and hugged me. Tears fell down as I hurried my face on his chest. I felt his hand caressing my hair, I hugged him back.

"I am sorry as well. I shouldn't done that. I am sorry." He uttered. I shook my head and hugged him tighter. I heard soft sobs coming from him and hiss body are shaking as well. I tried to look up but he stopped me from hugging me more tightly.

"Let's go out tomorrow. Let's bring Junhyun out. What do you think?" He said. Tears were still falling down but I smiled and nod my head. I felt him giving me soft kisses on my head.


"Where are we going, daddy?" Junhyun asked, Taehyun glanced at him and smiled.

"Take a guess, baby." He asked, I chuckled as I saw Junhyun trying to think about something.

"Hmm. We bought picnic mat and mommy cooked food. So I guess we'll be having a picnic." He said touching his chin. Taehyun and I laughed.

"Yes, that's right!" Taehyun answered. Junhyun clapped his hand and we grew fond of him.

Taehyun and I talked about this last night and we decided to have a picnic. I looked at him and he was smiling, facing in front, I smiled.

I thought it will the the end for us. I felt guilty and disappointed to myself last time. Guilty, because I know that I did it without anyone forcing me, and disappointed because, I hurt the person who did not do anything but to give his love and everything he have for me.

After a long drive, we arrived at a wide vast of green land with a small lake at the center, we got out of the car and Junhyun exitedly run around. My mouth widened as I roam my eyes around the place. It is away from the noisy city and the air is more cleaner.

"What do you think?" I jolted when Taehyun suddenly put his arms around my shoulders.

"You surprised me!" I said holding my chest. He pulled me closer to him and chuckled.

"I'm sorry." He said, smiling. I smiled back at him and giggled.

"Let's prepare the picnic mat." He said. I smiled at him and nod.

He laid out the blanket under a tree and helped me carry the baskets from the car trunk. I really woke up early just to prepare this food for today. Taehyun gave a little help. Yes a little help because all he did was to hugged me from the back and planting kisses on my head.

We opened the lunch boxes and put it on the ground. I chuckled as Taehyun and Junhyun was excitedly waiting for the food.

"Let's eat!" I announced. They both shouted, in excitement. We happily eat the foot I prepared while looking at the scenery.

AND THIS IS OUR FATE ✓SEQUEL (Choi Yeonjun and Kang Taehyun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now