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Lee Y/n's POV

Time passed by too quick without us noticing season holidays are fast approaching. Since Christmas are soon to come, both Junhyun and I were savouring our Christmas vacation.

Junhyun and I are watching the Melon Music Awards Show as we sat on our couch crossed legs and chips at the middle, we're both anticipating and waiting impatiently for the announcement of winners. Taehyun is staying at the company 24/7 for preparation in their performance in different awards shows that they're nominated so we didn't had a chance to give our Good luck on him.

Beomgyu and Kai kept in touch with us this past few weeks, but what I thought about is Soobin. After our last call on that Friday night when Junhyun and him were supposed to meet, he didn't call me again, neither visited us or message Junhyun. I tried to ask my child what happened but he can't answer, so I just shrugged off the thought.

"Mommy, I want more chips." Junhyun said as he showed me the empty bowl. I smiled at him and stood up to get some.

I walked in to the kitchen and opened the food storage, I grabbed a chips and poured it on the bowl. I was about to get some soda when Junhyun called my name.

"Mommy! Mommy! They're soon to announce the winner!" Junhyun exclaimed so I didn't had a choice but to walked back faster.

"The ALBUM OF THE YEAR goes to... Tomorrow x Together's ___________" The MC announces and the camera quickly focuses on the boys who were now hugging each other as the crowd gets wild. Junhyun and I jumped of happiness and screamed excitedly.

The walked up to the stage waving their hands and bowing to all the audience who was cheering for them. Soobin received the award and held the mic. He showed his bunny smile showing his dimples that made the audience groaned.

"I just wanted to thank all MOA who supported us from the very beginning until now. To all the staffs who exerted all their efforts for us and to our CEO. Thank you so much. MOA, SARANGHAE." Soobin started and gave the microphone to Kai.

"MOA, kamsamnida, saranghae." He passed the mic to Beomgyu.

"MOA, Let's stay together and forever as well!" Yeonjun held the mic.

"MOA saranghae. Thank you for everything." He said finally giving the mic to Taehyun. Junhyun giggled as he waited for Taehyun's speech.

"MOA saranghae, wise man and eomma saranghae. I miss you." He said and the fans get wilder, then he gave the MC their mic and waved their hands as they walked back to their seats.

Junhyun screamed in happiness as he heard Taehyun saying his I love you's in TV while I blushed in embarrassment and happiness as well.

"Daddy said he loves me, mommy! He said it!" He jumped happily at the couch. I smiled at him and nod.

"I can't wait to see him to say I love you too!" He exclaimed.

We continued watching the awards show and the group won another award, SONG OF THE YEAR and BEST GROUP PERFORMANCE. Junhyun and I cheered them from here and we're both jumping out of joy as the MC calls out their names. The show ended and Junhyun fell asleep. I brought him to his room and I entered my room as well to rest. I decided to sleep since I know Taehyun can't call me because of his busy schedule.

I turned off the lamp light and get myself ready to sleep. After a while, my eyes closed and take off to the dream land.


I was awaken by a hug from the back. The person behind were giving my head small kisses. I opened my eyes to see his face and I was welcomed by a genuine smile. I smiled back at him and faced him to hugged him back.

"I missed you." He uttered as he planted on my nose, to my forehead, and down to my lips.

"Me too." I answered as I buried my face on his chest.

After a while, someone opened the door and jumped to the bed giving us a small hug using his tiny hands.

"Daddy, you're home!" He exclaimed and the man just hugged him tightly and poured him kisses.

"Yes of course. I missed you!" Taehyun answered and jailed us both in his hands.


Choi Yeonjun's POV

"Babe! Let's go out!" Rainah exclaimed as she locked her hand on my arms.

"I said, I'm not in the mood!" I answered as I swayed her hands away from me. She glared at me.

"I'll tell this to PD-nim! You asshole." She said as she slapped my arms in annoyance.  I pushed her that made her stumbled. She looked at me eyes burning in madness.

"How dare you? We both know you need me. You all need me, and you're doing this to me?" She said angrily while throwing glares on me.

"Stay away from me. Let's stop this." I said as I turned my back at her.

"Is this because of your ex? Lee Y/n, Kang Taehyun's wife, mother of Kang Junhyun?" She said that made me halt. I looked back at her shocked and found out that she was grinning devilishly like she was owning a bomb.

"I know everything Choi Yeonjun." She said smiling at me. But that isn't the smile she shows the people. It was a wicked smile that if you see it, you'll be having a goosebumps.

"Stay away from them, leave them alone. Taehyun and her are now happy with their own family. I don't care about them anymore." I said sternly. She laughed and walked towards me then straighten my polo using her hands.

"But looks like your mouth does not corresponds with your action Mr. Choi." She said as she looked me in the eyes while giving me a grin.

"What do you want?" I asked bitting the inside of my lips as I control my self not to harm this devil.

I know her. She'll do everything to get what she wants. I also know how she threatened Bang Pd-nim just to get his permission to date me. She was known to be the girl who gets what she wants because of her power and fame. She can hold you in your neck as long as she wants you to follow her orders. I know her very well, and looks like I am now on her hands.

"You know what I want Yeonjun. Just follow what I say, your dirty little secret and their family will be safe from me. Mark my words." She smiled at me. My fist curled into ball as I was stopping my self in hitting this piece of shit in front of me.

"Good boy. I know you'll be the best boyfriend ever!" She said as she hugged me. I gritted my teeth in annoyance. This would be hell.

 This would be hell

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