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Lee Y/n's POV

"Y/n, Y/n. It's you!" He said walking towards me. I stepped back and Junhyun was hiding behind me.

"How are you?" He continued.

"I-I'm good." I answered.

"Who is he, mommy?" Junhyun said.

"Mommy?" He asked confused looking at the kid who was quietly hiding at my back.

"U-ugh. Yeah. I got married. 4 years ago." I said smiling awkwardly. His eyes widened and covered his mouth even if his mask is on.

"A-ah really? That's great." He said still in shock.

"Yeah. I need to go, Soobin. It's nice to see you again. See you around." I said then walked towards the counter, I left $10 to the cashier and get out without looking back. He was calling my name but I didn't bother to look back.

It's not safe to go home straight so we came to Jaster and Yuna's place.

"Is that Uncle Soobin, mommy?" He asked. I stopped and looked at him.

"Yes honey. We aren't supposed to see him because he might tell Daddy Jun about us." I said, and he nod.

We knocked at their doors and later Jaster opened the door. He smiled seeing us. They both ran towards my kid to hug and pour him kisses.

"What brought you here?" Yuna asked.

"We're from the convinience store to buy Junhyun's gummy bear, and guess what?" I said sitting down at the couch.

"What?" They both asked in unison, waiting impatiently for my answer.

"We met Soobin." I said plainly.

"Well that's great." Yuna said smiling, but a few moments of realization, her smile faded and eyes widened processing every word have I said.

"YOU WHAT?" She asked raising her voice. Junhyun jolted but she was fast to coo the kid.

"We met Soobin. He saw my son and I said I got married 4 years ago." I answered.

"Oh my god. This is bad. You're only here for just 3 days and things aren't working the way you want to. This is bad." Jaster said.

"I know right. I need to tell this to Taehyun. He must warned Soobin." I said, then dialed Taehyun's number.


Choi Soobin's POV

I am here walking at the lobby when I saw Kai also walking not far away from me.

"Kai!" I called. He stopped and looked back. He smiled as soon as he saw me. I ran to his side and we continued to walk sude by side.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"Somewhere not too far." I answered.

"Yeonjun hyung was looking for you earlier." He said that made me stopped and realization hits me.

"What's the matter?" He said shaking my shoulders. I came back to my senses when I felt his hands.

AND THIS IS OUR FATE ✓SEQUEL (Choi Yeonjun and Kang Taehyun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now