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Lee Y/n's POV

Today's Saturday, finally, we had time to take a rest from school. Junhyun and I were here at the kitchen preparing for our breakfast. Taehyun are still sleeping, he came home late so I just thought he needs some rest.

"Mommy, can I beat the eggs?" Junhyun asked. I looked at him and nod. He gave me a smile. I continued frying the bacon. I smiled as I heard the tiny giggles coming from Junhyun. After a while he stopped, but I didn't mind.

"Mommy, why is it Daddy Jun didn't visit me for so long?" He asked sadly. I stopped and turned to look at him. He was not looking at me, but on the eggs he was beating earlier. He looked so down and sad. I can't help but to feel sad as well as I looked at him.

"Maybe he's just too busy." I reasoned out. He sighed.

"Daddy's also busy but he always checks up on me. Why he can't? Maybe he just don't love me anymore." He said and pouted his lips trying to stop himself from crying.

I turned off the stove and walked towards him. I kneeled to be on his level, I held his shoulders and lift his chin. I smiled at him and shook my head.

"No. Don't think like that. He loves you, okay? He was just really busy, but he'll visit you maybe the next day or weeks. He just needs to finish all his works so that he can freely visit you without interference. Do you understand?" He nod his head, "Now smile." He finally smiled.

He continued to beat the eggs and I turned on the stove again to finished what am I doing when someone knocked on the door. I was about to turned off back the stove when Taehyun shouted from the door.

"I'll go check on it." He said. I chuckled as I heard his sleepy tone.

"Oh, Officer. What brings you here?" I heard Taehyun said from the front door. I furrowed my brows and put the bacons on the plate and turned off the stove. I took off my apron and walked towards the living room. Junhyun followed.

I saw the Police who is in charge of Junhyun's case. Taehyun welcomed me his hands and I gladly accepted it. He pulled me towards him and he carried Junhyun.

"Good day Mr. and Mrs. Kang, we finally had the lead where we could find the person who was driving the stolen car that hit your son." He said. Taehyun and I widened our eyes. I cover my mouth as I'm trying to hold back my tears. I felt Taehyun squeezed my hands.

"Did you catched him already?" Taehyun asked seriously.

"We were still waiting for the higher orders but I am sure we will take action later this afternoon." He said politely.

"Good. You need to put him in jail no matter what. Ask him why did he do that to my kid. End him if possible." Taehyun said gritting his teeth. Tears fell from my eyes but I was fast to wipe it. The Police bowed and shook his head.

"I am sorry sir, but we can't do that. We don't end people even if they do wrong. We just need to put them in the hands of the law not in our own hands. I am sorry." He said and stood up straight. Taehyun sighed.

"I am sorry. I just want him to pay for what he did to my son." Taehyun said softly. The Officer nod his head.

"I understand Sir, I need to go now. I just came here to inform you that." He said then bow his head.


We finished our breakfast and were now taking a rest in the living room. Taehyun and Junhyun were playing chess. I was laughing at Taehyun's surprised face whenever Junhyun took out his piece.

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