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Lee Y/n's POV

"So you're telling me, that you just did what you told?" The officer asked Joondaek. He nod his head not looking at the man asking him. According to his criminal profile, his full name is Go Joon Daek, 34 years old. Has a wife and 3 kids. 

Taehyun, Kai, Beomgyu and I we're outside the room, monitoring their interrogation. I looked at Taehyun and he was listening carefully, teeth gritted and clenched fist. I held his hand, he looked at me and his face soften. He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his hands around my shoulders.

"Do you know why she paid you to kill the kid?" The officer questioned him. He shook his hear rapidly while playing with his fingers. His knees were shaking and he was sweating hard.

"But, I didn't did a good job." Joondaek answered. We all looked confused on what he have said. I looked at Taehyun and he was directly looking at Joondaek, his eyes were fuming in anger. I bit my lip and looked back at him.

"Why? Because you didn't killed the kid?" The officer asked. Tears were threatening to fall. I covered my mouth and I fel Taehyun caressing my shoulder for comfort.

"No. Because she said, it should be Ms. Lee and not Kang Junhyun." He uttered fidgeting his finger bones.

My eyes widened and we all gasped an air hearing his statements. Taehyun charged to walked inside the room but the other police, Kai and Gyu were fast enough to calm him down. The tears I was trying to stop earlier, fell continously.

"That bastard! How dare him!" Taehyun screamed while trying to get off of their hold. I stood behind him covering my mouth didn't get what is really happening.

My son got hit by a car, he was unconscious for how many days, he was injured, almost killed and suffered at his hospital bed. Where in fact, I was the one who supposed to be killed that day. What on earth is really happening. Who is behind all this shits?

"Ms. Lee? Why? Why did you think she'll made you do it?" The officer again, asked. The man shook his head saying he doesn't know. Taehyun calmed down, he walked towards me and pulled me into a hug. I cried on his chest and he gave me soft kisses on my head.

"I don't know anything. She just told me to do it. But I misunderstood, and hit Kang Junhyun instead. She was very angry that day. She even threatened to kill me." Joondaek answered looking at the officer with tears on his eyes. His hands were shaking as well as his knees.

My brows furrowed, and I saw the police officer did, what I also did. We all were confused about what he was saying.

"She? Is the one who paid you to kill them is a woman?" The officer stood up and looked at the man. Joondaek nod his head. Our eyes widened. I have someone in my head, but I don't want to jump in conclusion without any evidences.

"Can you tell me who was she?" The officer asked. Joondaek shook his head. The officer slammed the table on their middle, the man jolted in surprise. He kneeled and cried hard.

"She'll kill me, and probably my family as well. Please, I can't tell you anything. I need to protect my family." He said pleading for his life.

"I'll send men to make your family safe and promised to make you safe as well, but, you need to tell me who is it and you need to cooperate with us." The officer offered. Joondaek nod his head rapidly. I closed my eyes as I felt Taehyun hugged me tightly. Why is this happening to us?


Choi Yeonjun's POV

I was walking towards to Rainah's dressing room. She called me earlier saying she wants to talk to me. As soon as she saw me, she smiled and waved her hands. I rolled my eyes but she still gave me a smile. I sat on the chair beside her.

"What do you want to eat?" She asked me while looking at her phone, maybe looking for food deliveries.

"Just tell me what you want, so I can leave as early as possible. I still need to do something more important than your shits." I said impatiently. She put down her phone and looked at me seriously. She crossed her ams and leg then gave me a grin.

"We should rush the wedding. I scheduled a press conference next week to announce our wedding. Bang Shih Hyuk already agreed, he even sent his best wishes. This is exciting, what do you think?" She said smiling widely at me. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth.

"When are you planning to stop?" I asked, giving her death glares. She smirked and shook her head.

"I don't have any plans Yeonjun." She answered and leaned closer to me, "I don't have any plans on letting you go." She continued and laughed devilishly. If looks could kill, she'll probably laying down on the floor right now.

I was about to stand up and leave her when a group of cops entered the room, and her manager was rushing towards us. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused what was happening. I looked at Rainah and her eyes were widen in terror.

"Rainah! I tried to stop them but they said they have their warrant of arrest." Her manager stated. Rainah stood up and pointed her fingers at the cops.

"What are you doing here?! Don't you know who I am?" She shouted and threw things to the cops. I stood still, not knowing what is really happening. Rainah's manager trying to stop her, luckily, there's no other people around to see this. Two policemen grabbed Rainah and put handcuffs on her hands.

"Get off of me you filthy assholes! Yeonjun, help me! I don't know what is this!" She shouted trying to get off of the cops' hold.

"Rainah, you are under arrest for the attempt of killing Kang Junhyun and Lee Y/n. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you." The policemen uttered.

My eyes widened as I heard what he have said. Blood, boiled upon my veins, I clenched my hand and threw daggers of glare into Rainah who is now looking at me also eyes widen.

"No. No. That's not true! I don't know anything! I didn't do anything!" She explained but my ears and mind are closed. I was about to grab her when someone stopped me from the back.

"Hyung, stop." Soobin said trying to calm me down. My tears fell from my eyes as anger, rage, and loathe was all I felt.

"No. Yeonjun, believe me. They're just trying to destroy us!" She said trying to walk towards me. I, again tried to get off of Soobin's hold wanting to kill this bitch, when I heard a slapping sound, only to see R/g almost fell on the floor.

"You fucking bitch!"

"You fucking bitch!"

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