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Lee Y/n's POV

"We're here!" Yeonjun announced.

I roamed my eyes around only to see a familiar place I used to go when I visit the orphanage, the Amusement Park. I looked at him in suprise, he just smiled at me. I turned away my gaze as I felt my cheeks are burning. What was that? God Y/n!

"Woah! Wow! Wow!" Junhyun exclaimed as he clapped his hands in excitement.

Yeonjun reached for something at the back. It was a paper bag. He took out something from it and it was a beard glasses, the same thing we used when we also got here. I, again widened my eyes as I remembered everything. He gave me one and wear the other one at Junhyun.

I stared at it and didn't do anything, and to my surprise, Yeonjun grabbed it from my hands and he wore it on mine. I was startled and didn't reacted. He just smiled at me and get out of the car. He walked to our side and opened the door. Junhyun got out first taking off the baby belt safety easily. I unclasped the seatbelt but I was having a hard time. Yeonjun seemed to noticed so he leaned his body inside the car to help me.

My eyes widened for nth time today as we are so close with each other. I stopped my self from breathing as he was working with the seatbelt. He successfully unclasped it and get hid body out. I took a deep breath to calm my self and get out of the car.

"T-thank you." I said not looking at him.

"Not a big deal." He answered.

"Mommy! Daddy! I wanna ride that one!" Junhyun called. We looked at him and he was pointing the Merry Go Round ride. I smiled at him.

"Okay. But we need to buy our ticket pass first." I said. He nod and clapped his hands exitedly. We walked towards the ticket booth.

"Unlimited Ride Tickets for 3 please." Yeonjun said. I got my wallet from Junhyun's bag.

"Let me pay for my ticket." I said.

Yeonjun looked at me confused. I handed him bills and he just looked at it then turned his gaze on me again.

"Come on, take it. Junhyun is the only one you need to pay for, you can't shoulder my expenses. I can handle my self." I said still handling my money on him, but he just ignored me and pay for mine as well.

Instead of getting the money I'm giving him, he puts the sticker bracelet on my hand and holds Junhyun's wrist then walked inside the Amusement park. I let out a groan.

"Did he just ignored my offer?" I asked my self and irritatedly followed them.

I saw them walking towards the Carousel Ride so I ran to catched on their track. Junhyun was excited to rode the ride. Luckily, there isn't a long line to wait for.

"Mommy! Let's ride that together with Daddy!" Junhyun asked. I looked at Yeonjun and he was waiting for my answer. I turned back my gaze at Junhyun and his eyes were pleading. How can I say no to this kid?

"Okay." I answered forcing a smile.

"Yay! Let's go! Let's go!" Junhyun pulled our hands excitedly.

We rode the Carousel, Junhyun was riding the horse, Yeonjun and I were standing side by side. I smiled as I saw my kid enjoying the ride. He even clapped his hands everytime the horse go up and down. I looked at Yeonjun accidentally and I saw him looking at me. I raised my eyebrows and he was fast to turned away his gaze.

AND THIS IS OUR FATE ✓SEQUEL (Choi Yeonjun and Kang Taehyun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now