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Lee Y/n's POV

It's been a week since Junhyun woke up from his sleep and the commotion between me and Yeonjun. Junhyun was fully healed that the Doctor let us go home, which is a good thing. There's no place like home though.

"Home sweet home." I said as we walked inside our house, Taehyun was carrying Junhyun inside. I closed the door and the both of them go straight to the couch, which I followed them as well.

"Woah! I miss our home!" Junhyun said excitedly. Taehyun and I chuckled at his reaction.

"Surely it misses you as well." Taehyun said while pinching the kid's nose bridge.

"Now, you need to go to your room and rest. School are soon to start you need to gain your strength." I said looking at the both of them.

"What a bummer!" They both said in chorus. I just chuckled at them.

Taehyun brought Junhyun at his room and I am here sitting at the couch resting my head at the couch's back rest looking at the ceiling.

After Yeonjun and I talked at the hospital's rooftop, he never shown his face again, nor visited Junhyun. Seems he just given up that easily. Well what do you expect on the one and only Choi Yeonjun. An asshole of living, I guess.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Taehyun said while resting his head on my lap. I didn't felt his presence coming closer to me so I was startled by his sudden move but then smiled as I saw him smiling at me.

"Just a non sense thought tho." I said and again leaned my head on the back rest.

"Yeonjun's been absent for one whole week. He never showed himself neither at the dorm." Taehyun said which made me looked at him. But his eyes were closed and his arms was crossed on his chest.

"Pd-nim, managers and our choreographer looked for him but to dismay he wasn't been found. Rainah as well was looking for him, no one can answer where would he be." He added.

"Why are you saying this to me?" I asked. He opened his eyes and met mine.

"I just thought you're wondering why after your conversation, he never showed up. He never as well on us." He said. He stood up and looked at me smiling.

"Maybe he was just finding himself." He said and yawned, "I think I need a rest. You should as well. I'll go to my room now. Take a rest love. I love you." He said giving me a peck on my lips while hugging me tight, then walked towards his room.

I was left alone at the couch looking nowhere. Didn't realize it's been a couple of hours have past while me spacing out. I heard my stomach growling in hunger. I stood up ad walked towards the kitchen. I scanned all over and saw nothing but fine dust. I remember I didn't had a chance to buy groceries. Again my stomach growled.

I came to my room and picked up a coat them after to Junhyun room. I saw him peacefully sleeping in his bed. I caressed his hair and kissed him on his forehead, put his blanket above shoulder level for comfort. Then paid a quick glance then came out of his room.

With my stomach monsters were having a war, I decided to go to the convinience store for ramyeon packs. Taehyun and Junhyun might want one as well.

Walking at the dark street lightened weakly by the lamp posts, the cold breeze were meeting my bare skin and the moon shined so bright, I arrived at the store and quickly find the ramyeon I want and as well as the two boy's favorite. I smiled as I was thinking of them.

AND THIS IS OUR FATE ✓SEQUEL (Choi Yeonjun and Kang Taehyun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now