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Third person's POV

A man fully covered by his black hoodie, black cap and a black mask was walking through streets of Seoul to find peace. Horn of cars were heard, people talking to each other and a cool air breeze felt.

As he walked, his foot brought him to a familiar place. The street to his past. He stopped and memories flooded. He didn't realized he was just standing there for almost a minute remembering things.

He shook off all those thoughts and continued to walk when he saw a little boy about 3-4 years old, wearing a mask, walking alone, seemed lost.

"Hey kiddo." He said. The boy looked at him but he didn't bother to answer and walked past him.

'Is he serious?' the man talked to himself as he looked at the boy walking away from him.

"Hey!" He called but still didn't get any response. He sighed and ran to catch up the boy's walk.

"Hey. Are you lost?" The man again asked the little boy but this time he leaned to held his shoulder and stopped him from walking. The boy looked at him not giving off any emotion. The man was amazed by the kid without any reason.

"Even if I am, I still won't talk to you." (oh gosh, this is so kang taehyun haha) The little boy said. He stepped backwards and bow at him, he again started to walk away. The man left his mouth an agape. He managed to came back to his self again then followed the boy.

"I'm not a bad guy. I can help you." He said getting the trust of the little boy.

The child stopped and looked at the man who was following him. "How can I make sure you're trustworthy?" He asked the man.

"Let me guess. Your mom told you not to talk to strangers, right? If I am a bad guy, I would probably didn't talk to you nicely but I would rather grab you and bring you somewhere away from here." The man said and the boy seemed to trust him finally.

"I'm lost. Can you bring me to an apartment who runs by an old woman named Mrs. Yang?" The boy asked the man which he was left dumbfounded.

'Mrs. Yang? Is it the apartment where Jaster, Yuna and Y/n live?' he mumbled inside his head.

"Mr? If you can't, I should go by myself now. Thank you." The boy said then started to walk again. The man quickly run after him.

"I know where it was exactly, and you're going in the wrong direction." He said. The boy looked at him then to the opposite road he was walking.

"Oh! I should've listen to my guts!" The boy said that made the man laugh.

"It's okay. Let's bring you to your mommy." The man offered his hands and the little boy happily grabbed it.

They started to walk but the boy didn't helped himself not to ask questions about the man.

"Are you an Idol?" The boy asked that made the man stopped from walking.

"How can you say that?" He asked.

"Because you wore mask, and a cap. My dad is also an Idol so he wore those when we're going out. So that made me think you were also like him." The boy asked that made the man furrowed his brows in curiosity.

"Can I know who's your dad?" He asked. The little boy widened his eyes and shook his head intensely.

"No. No. Can you act as if you didn't hear anything?" The boy asked the man with a pleading eyes.

He still wants to ask further question since he was eager to know if that was true, but maybe the boy's father are just telling him stories like that and it was all a lie. He smiled at the boy behind his mask and nod.

"Okay." He answered that made the little boy sighed.

They started to walk again holding hands. The boy was skipping and the man was adoring the cute boy's little action. They arrived at the front of the apartment, the man stopped and so the boy.

"We're already here." The man said that made the boy looked around.

"Yes! This is it! Thank you, sir!" The boy said then ran inside.

The boy realized he didn't asked for his name so he ran back and saw the man starting to walk away.

"Hyung! Hyung!" He called and the man looked back at him.

"What's your name? My name's Junhyun. Kang Junhyun." The boy said.

"A beautiful name for a brave kid like you. Junhyun, A wise and handsome man. My name's Daniel. Choi Daniel." He said.

The boy hugged the man which startled him but he hugged the boy back.

"Thank you so much Daniel hyung! See you around!" The boy said then waved his goodbye and ran inside.

"Oh my god Junhyun!" His mom, hugged him tight crying. His dad joined them.

"Where have you been? You all made us worry! You shouldn't do that again. You're mom's nearly fainted." The fine lad asked the little boy.

"I'm sorry mommy, daddy, aunt and uncle. I just came out of the apartment and a kid from the next door holding an Ironman toy, I followed him but I lost him then that is when I realized I got lost of track. Luckily I met a good man, he brought me here!" He said then hugged his mom.

"It's okay baby. But promise you won't do that again. Your Daddy Taehyun and I didn't know what to do if we lost you." Y/n cried as he hugged his son, back.

"Where's the man who helped you? We need to thank him." Taehyun asked the boy.

"He already left. He was wearing a black hoodie, a black cap and a black mask. I thought at first he was a bad guy that's why I didn't talked to him since mommy taught me not to talk to strangers but it turns out that he is good, so I let him help me." The boy explained and everyone nod at him.

"Did you asked for his name? Or anything about him?" Y/n asked his son and the boy nod his name.

"Yes. I asked for his name. He said he's Daniel. Choi Daniel." The boy proudly said.

The couple gasped looking at each other in horror. Jaster and Yuna was also shocked and they even widened their eyes.

"Let's go inside." Taehyun said guiding the woman and the kid to the apartment, roaming his eyes aroud looking if he's still there. Jaster and Yuna followed them.





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