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Choi Yeonjun's POV

"Hyung, you're not going home with us?" Kai asked as he entered the room while I was arranging my things at the studio.

"No. I'll be having coffee after this. Wanna come?" I asked him and he just shook his head.

"Nah. I want to rest. I'll just tell them what you're up to. Take care." He said then got out of the room. I carried my bag and walked outside.

Staffs were greeting me as I walked passed them, I respectfully bowed and bid good bye. I came across with the boys as I was walking at the lobby.

"Hyung. We're going now. Come home safely." Soobin said. They bid their good byes and Taehyun just nod his head coldly. I shrugged off and started my track.

I was walking at the silent part of Seoul to the coffee shop I used to visit after everytime. I wore mask as usual and a cap to hid my identity.

I enjoyed my long walk alone hearing the faint noise coming from the city. People were walking pass by and we greeted each other politely. A few walks and I arrived at the shop.

I looked at their name above and smiled then sighed. Fun fact, memories always came flooding on my mind everytime I am here at the shop. It's always been like this but I'll never get tired of it.

I walked inside the shop and roam around. People were few, as always. I have this habit that when I entered the shop, I always looked at the seat where Y/n used to sit before. It became my self tradition. Maybe, hoping that I could see her again there sitting just like the old times.

My eyes roamed and landed on the seat where I always look at and saw a familiar figure sitting on it. Everything went slow-mo, my heart pounded and my arms were shaking.

My eyes decided to see nobody but her. Regardless of my knees shaking, I managed to walk towards her. Breathing heavily, heart beating abnormally, hands were shaking unconsciously and tears starting to form in my eyes, hoping that I wasn't hallucinating.

I stood there for a minute trying to find the words to say. I breathed deep and tried to calm my self when finally I can now open my mouth to utter a word.

"Y/n?" I called.

She stiffened on her seat. She remained frozen and didn't even tried to look at me. I again breathed for an air before I called her.

"Y/n, it's you right?" I asked crossing my fingers hoping I didn't messed with some random stranger.

Tears were starting to fall from my eyes. She stayed still for a minute before she turned her face on my side. Slowly, I saw the face of the person I wanted to see and hold for the past years and our eyes met.

"Oh my god. It's you!"

May sounded like a gay but I honestly can't explain how much happiness I am feeling right now. Tears were falling down on my eyes but I didn't mind. People were looking at us but neither I cared. All I know is I am happy to finally see her after a long years of longing.

She was still the same from the last time I saw her. She was still this undeniably beautiful. Her hair may be shortened but the curliness of it stays the same.

"Mr. Daniel Choi! Mommy! He was the one who helped me last time! It was him!" A kid exclaimed sitting on her front.

My attention turned to him. I didn't noticed he was there. I looked closely to him and tried to remember him.

AND THIS IS OUR FATE ✓SEQUEL (Choi Yeonjun and Kang Taehyun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now