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Lee Y/n's POV

I dialed Taehyun's number and after a few rings he answered the phone.

"Yes, love?" He said.

"We have a problem." I said nervously.

"What is it?" He asked and nervousness was evident on his voice.

"It's Soobin. He saw us earlier. At the convenience store. He saw Junhyun, we talked for a bit but I managed to walked away from him hurriedly. He heard Junhyun calling me mommy. I told him I got married 4 years ago. I called you for you to be aware and stopped him from what he could do and say." I said continously.

"Calm down. There's nothing to worry about. He doesn't say any words yet. I'll talk to him if possible. Okay? Don't worry about it." He answered warmly, that made me calm down.

"Okay. Okay. Take care. I love you."

"Yes. You too. I love you." He said then I hung up.

I looked at Yuna and Jaster they were also worried about us. I smiled weakly.

"We need to go now. Baby, come on." Junhyun stood up and kissed his Aunt and Uncle.

"Call us when you got home okay?" Jaster said.

"Yes of course. You two should also visit us sometimes. The classes are soon to start, let's have a good time there." I said then chuckled.

"Okay, cook for us. We missed your food." Yuna said pouting. I just nod at them and walked out of the apartment together with Junhyun.

"Mommy, you think Uncle Soobin will tell to Daddy Jun about us?" He asked innocently. I looked at him and smiled.

"I hope not honey." Then we continued to walk on our way home.

"Daddy's gonna talk to him mommy. No need to worry." He reassured then smiled at me. My heart melted seeing his lips curved into a smile.


Junhyun's watching TV at the living room and I am here at the kitchen sink washing the dishes we used for dinner.

"Baby, go wash your self now. You need to sleep early. Daddy's not going home so don't wait for him." I said from the kitchen.

"Just a little bit mom. Let me just finish this one." He answered back. I just shook my head and continued what I was doing.

After a while, someone knocked on our door. I came out of the kitchen brows furrowed thinking who could it be since Taehyun's not going home today.

I saw Junhyun ran to the door and opened it. But no one was standing behind the door. He walked out that made my heart beats faster, I followed him hurriedly and saw him roaming his eyes around. When suddenly, a man came out of the bush, Junhyun jolted and so as I. But as soon as we saw who it was, a smile plastered on our face.

"Daddy!" Junhyun exclaimed jumping to Taehyun's hold. He carried the child and poured him soft kisses.

I walked towards him and Taehyun seemed to finally notice me. He opened his arms for a hug and I gladly accepted it. He hugged me tightly together with Junhyun.

"I thought you're not coming home?" I asked him. He smiled at me.

"We were dismissed early so I decided to come home, surprise!" I smiled at him. We were about to walked inside when suddenly someone called our name.

AND THIS IS OUR FATE ✓SEQUEL (Choi Yeonjun and Kang Taehyun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now