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Lee Y/n's POV

I opened my eyes and a blinding light greeted my sight. I squinted my eyelids and blinked a few times to adjust my vision. I tried to lift my hands only to see Taehyun holding it while sleeping.

"Taehyun" I called. He quickly lift his head up and looked at me worriedly. He stood up and hugged me tight. I also did.

"Are you okay?" He said while checking on me. I nod at him and smiled. He smiled at me sadly. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but my eyes widened when I remembered Junhyun. I again started to cry and he panicked.

"Junhyun? How is he? Bring me to him. Please." I had gone wild and trying get out of the bed, Taehyun was strong enough to stop me.

"Hey love, it's okay. He's okay now. Please just take a rest. The doctor said you need it." He said helping me fo laid down but I refused.

"No. I can't rest knowing my son is in pain." I said tears again escaped in my eyes. Taehyun quickly grabbed me and hugged me tightly. He caressed my hair for comfort that made my sob lessen.

He helped me stood up and guided our way out. My head was still in pain but I managed to get up. We got out of the room and walked not too far from the room I stayed. I saw Soobin, Gyu, Kai and my mom sitting at the bench, no signs of Yeonjun.

Speaking of Yeonjun. As far as I remembered he was the one who donated his blood for Junhyun. I halt in realization. Taehyun looked at me concerned. My mom and the boys felt our presence. They looked at us. My mom ran towards to hug me. I dig myself into her hug, and again cried.

"Mom." I called, she pat my back and gave me small kisses on my head.

"Junhyun's fine. He's resting. The doctor said he could wake up any hour from now." She said. I nod but continued to cry.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kang Taehyun?" A man called from the back.

Taehyun and I looked at him as well as the rest of our people. Taehyun grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him.

"I am Kwon Il Jung, I am the assigned Police Officer to investigate about your son's accident." He said.

"Have you caught the bastard who hit my son?" Taehyun asked. The officer just shook his head. I covered my mouth to prevent  my self from sobbing. Taehyun massaged his temples.

"But we watched CCTV footages around your streets. We got information about the Car number and found its owner. It belongs to Mr. Choi Soo Ho, but he said that it has been stolen from him a month ago. He showed us his lost car report that serves as an evidence." The officer answered. Taehyun held his collar. I, Soobin and the boys was fast enough to stop him.

"Do everything to catch that asshole, I'm willing to pay three times as your salary if you did." He said, the police nod his head and Taehyun finally lose his grip. He hugged me and kissed me on my forehead. I was crying again knowing my son was lying on his bed unconscious and the thought that the person who did this to him hasn't been caught yet.


Choi Yeonjun's POV

"You told me that the kid's blood type was 'A-'! What's bullshit is that?" I spoken angrily as soon as the investigator answered my phone call.

"I'm s-sorry sir. But that was the info I got from the resources." He said trembling was evident on his voice.

"You worthless piece of shit." I said and threw my phone away. I felt a sting pain on my left arm. I grimaced in pain.

AND THIS IS OUR FATE ✓SEQUEL (Choi Yeonjun and Kang Taehyun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now