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Lee Y/n's POV

The hours went so fast. It's already afternoon, classes ended and I am here organizing my stuffs. I still need to pick up Junhyun and I know he's been waiting for me. His nanny called me earlier that she can't pick Junhyun up because of unwanted emergencies. Meanwhile, Taehyun also can't because he's working a song with Beomgyu.

I was in a rush when someone called me. I didn't bother to look for the caller because I am confident that it is Taehyun. I answered in put it on my ears, and I used my shoulder to hold it.

"Yes, love? I'm on my way now. Will you come home later?" I asked still busy organizing my things.

"Y/n, it's me Yeonjun." He answered on the other line. My eyes widened and I looked at my cellphone and saw Yeonjun's caller ID.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry. I thought it was Taehyun. Why did you call?" I stopped from what I am doing. I pursed my lips as I waited for his answer.

"I'm with Junhyun. I picked him up from school." He said that made my eyes widened for the second time.

"W-what? Why? How?" I stammered in surprised.

"I just thought no one would pick him up since Taehyun's busy today and I know you're still on school. So yeah.—Hi Mommy! I'm with Daddy Jun!" I heard Junhyun's voice on the background. I closed my eyes to calm down and took a deep breath.

"Okay. Stay there in school. I'm going to pick him up." I said and rushingly arranged my stuff, get my bag and walked out.

"Oh fuck! I didn't brought my car!" I said to myself as I remembered, Taehyun dropped me by. I slapped my forehead in frustration.

"Don't worry. We're waiting for you outside." Yeonjun answered in a happy voice. Again, my eyes widened. Oh god, just how many times I'm going to be surprised this day?!

I ran towards the gate to see if they're really waiting for me. As soon as I got out. I saw Junhyun standing outside with a man on a cap, a mask and a hoodie. I walked towards them in speed. Junhyun was smiling widely and Yeonjun's eyed were smiling again.

"Mommy!" Junhyun exclaimed and ran towards me. I smiled at him and and leaned to kiss him on the cheeks. I stood up and walked towards Yeonjun.

"Have you gone nuts?!" I whispered to him, afraid that Junhyun might heard what I have said. I looked around to see if someone would saw us.

"I'm sorry. I was just worried about Junhyun." He said apologetically.

"Taehyun will be mad not only to you, but to me as well! You're not thinking aren't you?" I muttered.

"Okay, okay. Sorry? Let's, let's just go home." He answered.

"Go home? No! Daddy you promised me we will go to han river!" Junhyun answered desperately. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Yeonjun.

"I-I was just, yeah." He said and caressed his nape. I massaged my temples to calm my self.

"Mommy, please." Junhyun pleaded. I looked at him and he was pouting waiting for my answer. How can I say no?

"Okay. But let's ask Daddy first, okay?" I answered. Junhyun smiled and nod his head repeatedly.

I was about to dialed Taehyun's number when Yeonjun stopped my hand. I looked at him confused and he was looking at me straight in the eyes seriously.

AND THIS IS OUR FATE ✓SEQUEL (Choi Yeonjun and Kang Taehyun X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now