Lord Saladin X Reader -- Rest

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Things you need to know first :

1. ( Y/N ) is a female titan.

2. She had killed Crota, Oryx and Ghaul.

3. She is one of the best guardians who ever existed.

4. She is a Crucible and Gambit star.

5. She likes the last Iron Lord and works with him on Nessus against Caiatl's forces.

Back to now :

Reader's P.O.V:

I wake up. Yesterday, me and Saladin did a really difficult Battleground alone. It was lovely fighting alongside him. Asking him if he was ok and him doing the same.

He is a real friend. A friend who cares. I really appreciate that. But I want more ...

We are best friends. Best Friends !!! I want to call him my boyfriend. I want him to hug me and whisper to me what he is gonna do to me on the bed.

Nothing of this is obviously going to happen. He sees me like a friend, an equal, but not as a woman.

I get up and wear my armor. Today, like the rest of the days, I will stand next to him on the battlefield.

It is better than trying to catch his attention in the Iron Banner matches among so many others.

I leave my apartment after having eaten breakfast, of course. The breakfast is the most important meal of the day !

I enter the Tower and leave my extra weapons and armors, the ones that I won yesterday, in my vault. I speak a little with Lord Shaxx and Zavala. Wave at Kadi and Tess. Buy some bounties from Banshee and then I go to the Hangar.

The Hangar will never be the same without Cayde-6. He was the soul and the embodiment of humor. Now, there is nothing...

I exchange some words with Amanda and Saint and then go to his area and play a little with Colonel. ( She is still there, I saw it some weeks ago. ).

After this, I go to the lovely Bazaar and discuss with Ikora, Osiris and Hawthorne.

Yeah, I have so many friends. Yioupi !!!!

I finish speaking and enter the H.E.L.M. Here we do all the preparation and strategies against Caiatl.

I say a quick hi to the Crow and go to the War Table to wait Saladin.

Five minutes after my arrival, he appears too.

" On time as always. " He remarks with a smile.

" Those red bitches won't be killed alone. Let's go. " I respond quickly. The last thing that I needed to do is sitting here speaking with my secret crush, blushing and smiling like a stupid teenager.

" There is no need. Today we will take a break. We are out there risking our lives for a couple of weeks non stop. Let's rest for a bit. " He tells me.

My eyes widen in shock. He speaks about rest ? That man never rests.

" Do you want a walk ? " He asks me like he has nothing else to do.

I sigh.

I have neither.

" Sure. " I answer politely.

We leave the H.E.L.M. and the Tower. We walk in the roads of the Last Safe City. This place has a unique beauty. I don't know why but I always look at everything with awe. Maybe is the fact that I am proud ? Those people are here, happy and safe, because I did what I did in the past.

We stop at a coffee shop and order some coffee.

" They are not used at serving guardians, are they ? " I whisper to Saladin.

" Why do you say that ? " He inquires confused.

" Did you see how she looked at us ? So shocked and happy ? I really think that it is maybe the first time that a guardian comes here. " I reply.

He thinks about it a little and then nods in agreement.

The waitress hands us our drinks and Saladin pays like a gentleman.

I mentally smile.

He is sooo cute when he acts like this.

We leave the shop and continue our walk.

I didn't notice that I was staring at him until he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

" Is something wrong ? " He asks me.

" No. No. Everything is perfect. " I answer quickly, drink some of my coffee and turn my gaze towards the crowd.

" Wanna go somewhere more lonely ? " He suddenly inquires.

I freeze. Somewhere lonelier ? Like ? What is he thinking ? What does he want ?

" Sure. " I agree and finish my coffee. He takes both my coffee and his and throws it in a bin nearby.

He calls his ghost and grabs my hand. His ghost teleports us inside his ship and he drives it.

I sit in the seat next to him.

" Where are we going ? " I ask.

" It is a surprise. " He responds.

Fuck. I hate surprises.

" Very well. " I reluctantly say. I have no idea where are we going. Perfect. This is why I hate surprises so much.

I look outside. We are still on earth. My eyes slowly close and darkness consumes me.


I open my eyes slowly to see Saladin looking at me. He is too close. Fuck. Calm down.

" How long have I been sleeping ? " I inquire.

" Not for long. We landed and I carried you here. We are 5 minutes here. " He informs me.

I thank him and turn my gaze towards my surroundings.

It is shocking. Not the fact that we are sitting on the edge of the cliff and that the view is amazing. But the fact that I am sitting on his lap.

I look at him again.

" Don't you think that we are too close ? " I ask him.

" No. I actually like being close to you. I really want us to pass more time together out of the field. And maybe, who knows, be something more than friends in the future. " He answers. My jaw falls. He said it. He wants to learn me better. What if he likes me ? I need to be sure before doing something.

" So, you like me ? " I inquire with an eyebrow raised.

He nods turning his gaze towards the cliff. He feels awkwardly. I know what makes him afraid.


I am afraid of this too.

" What are you waiting for ? Special invitation ? Claim my lips. Make me yours. " I whisper seductively next to his ear.

" You sure ? Because if I start, I won't be able to stop. " He tells me.

" I don't want you to stop. " I retort with a smirk.

" As you wish, young wolf. " He says and grabs me bridal style.

We return back at the City and enter his apartment.

Guess what we did after this.

- 1098 words -


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