Mara Sov X Reader -- Exhaustion

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You are a female hunter who is under the extreme pressure of not only killing Savathûn but also keeping the Throne World safe from the constant attacks from the Scorn. Not to mention stepping into the fights of Hive Guardians, Lucent Hive versus the Scorn who were acting strangely.

1st P.O.V :

I run through the Quagmire for what feels the millionth time today.

I see a spot to activate my deep sight. I walk toward there taking deep breaths.

Suddenly, a shot lands on my back from behind.

I grimace in pain while turning to face my attacker.

4 Scorn were 20 meters away pointing their guns at me.

" Guardian, Mara Sov has called for you. She is waiting for you in the room behind the Relic. " My ghost informs me.

" Alright, tell her that I'm on my way. " I say and dodge their attacks.

" Okay. Stay safe. " My ghost responds.

I grasp my hand cannon from the holster and pull it on the air.

I take some shots in their directions, not pointing directly at them.

The Scorn did exactly what I wanted them to do. They hid behind a pair of rocks.

Smiling to myself, I run to them.

One of them did the huge mistake of leaving the 'safety' of the cover. He raised his gun to kill me.

Unfortunately, I'm far faster than him and I take him down with a head shot faster than speed itself.

I pass next to the rocks and take a look at the three remaining enemies of the Vanguard.

They are so dead.

They do not even have the time to defend themselves as I throw a vortex grenade on them.

Tired, I sigh and sit down for a second. My head starts spinning as I close my eyes leaning against the same rocks the Scorn had used for cover.

" Guardian, I know that you are exhausted but we need to get going. Mara's waiting. " My ghost pops next to me.

I sigh again. " Very well. "

And we vanish.


I am transported into the Enclave. Waving quickly at the three hidden agents, I rush inside the corridor leading to the Relic.

Afterwards, I follow an other path which led me further into the mysterious building.

I look around noticing that nobody is there.

Sighing, I do some steps forward before dropping on the ground due to the exhaustion.

I lay there intending to wait for Mara to come.

Mara Sov, the great Queen of the Awoken.

Lately, after having gone through all of those missions to defeat the Witch Queen, we have come closer.

I have a small, innocent crush on her.

Alright, maybe not that innocent but yet again, we kill at least 1.500 enemies per week, non of our actions can be considered innocent.

" Guardian, are you alright ? " Her voice startles me.

I open my -somehow- closed eyes to gaze at her face.

She had leaned toward me to have a better look of me. Her face is closer to mine than the usual.

She is looking at me with concern.

" Emmm. Yes, I'm fine. Totally fine. " I assure her as I sit up straight. My body feels heavy but I fight back the feeling of tiredness.

Mara does not seem convinced. Instead of telling me to stand on my feel and tell me what she discovered about Savathûn's worm, she sits in front of me, locking eye contact with me.

" You are clearly not right. What's wrong, Y/N ? " Mara titles her head to the side in inquiry.

I sigh laying back on the floor. " So many missions, strikes, raids... so many responsibilities... and not enough time... "

My voice trails off, so did my energy.

Here comes the breakdown that my ghost was speaking about nearly a week ago.

And it crushes me in front of Mara, the last person that I wanted to see me like this.

I'm weak, pathetic.

And she is always so strong, eradicating power and respect.

My head starts spinning and I lose my coordination. I can hear neither my ghost nor Mara.

A hand wraps around my back as The Queen pulls me on her lap. Mara holds my body against hers and her head intervened with my hair.

Mara gently messaged my head while using her magic to bring me back in reality.

Exhausted, but concious, I relax my head on her shoulder while she continued messaging my scalp.

" The worm can wait, but your health is of primal importance. You should take a day off. " Mara states.

I weakly shake my head. " No, they need me in action. Tell me what you got and let me accomplish your mission. "

Mara's other hand rubs slow circles on my back. " You won't change your mind whatever I tell you, am I right ? "

" Yes. " I agree enjoying the feeling of her hands smoothing my tired skin.

Mara sighs. " I shall speak with Ikora then. I'm sure that she can find a bunch of guardians to replace you for a while. "

" But- " I start to protest.

" There are no BUTS. You have surpassed your limits and you need to stay away from action for a while to recharge. " Mara cut me off.

I don't protest thinking that I can easily, even with no official permission, continue my job in the shadows.

Like she read my mind, Mara's hands tighten around me. " I shall keep an eye on you to ensure your rest. "

Her words make me freeze. " Really ? " I ask in disbelief.

" Have you ever heard of me kidding about so serious things ? " She raises an eyebrow.

"Fair point. " 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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