The Crow X Reader {part 2}

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Things you need to know first :

1. This chapter is the part 2 of my previous one-shot -> Alone for first time. So if you haven't read that, read it first.

2. Y/N and the Crow have relationship for a couple of months.

3. They live together :)

4. Y/N hadn't told him yet that she is the one who killed Uldren.

5. Mara returned back to the dreaming city.

6. This takes place in season of the lost.

7. OSIRIS IS SAVATHUN ! (Not that you didn't already know...)

Back to now :

Reader's P.O.V :

I wave my hand to the Techeun that I just saved as a good bye. She only nods and disappears.

" An other one safe and sound. I just hope we have this done and Savathûn out of Mara's chambers the fastest we can. " I state.

My ghost appears. " Me too. It's... strange having her so close. Also the Crow... "

I sigh. " I can't tell him about his past life ! It's forbidden ! "

" I know. I know. Let's go back to the H.E.L.M. " My ghost suggests.

I nod and being teleported into my ship. Sitting on the pilot's seat, I start driving back to the Last City.

After a couple of minutes, I am transported into the building.

I walk down the stairs of the Awoken part of the place and see the corsairs. They weren't as calm as they are used to.

" Is something wrong ? " I ask them.

They all give me panicked gazes. I raise my eyebrow and cross my hands waiting for someone to tell me what had happened.

Finally, an Awoken woman found the courage to speak. " He... went to speak with the Hive goddess... Savathûn. "

My eyes widen. No. We had an argument yesterday about this. I thought that I had convinced him that this is wrong.

I run. I run towards the portal. Maybe if I was fast enough, maybe I could reach him before something happened.

I pass through the portal and enter Mara's chambers. The queen of the Reef is nowhere to be seen.

She may be with Petra or Shaxx (😏🤫)

I go through the room with the Techeuns and spot the one that I have just saved. Not sparring them a second glance, I continue my way.

I enter the second room in which Savathûn is located and see my lover speaking with her.

" Crow ! Wait ! " I shout.

My boyfriend turns to look at me and then back to Savathûn. He didn't say anything, neither did he acknowledge my presence.

I descend the steps and a second wave of shock washes all over me when I witness the fellow hunter touching the enemy.

His body tensed. In a matter of moments I stand next to him. " What are you doing to him ? "

" I am just showing him the truth. You can't stop the inevitable, guardian. " The witch queen replies.


Millions of questions begun forming in your mind.

How will he react when he remembers that I am the one who killed him ?

Will he still like me ?

Will he end being Mara's toy again ?

Will he end up corrupted again ?

Not being able to do anything, I just stand there. Watching my lover whispering 'No,no,no,no.'

Tears threaten to fall for what is to come afterwards. I bite my lip in order to maintain my composure.

Uldren takes his hand off Savathûn's body (God, this sounded so wrong 😂).

" Darling. " I call for him and get closer to wrap my hands around his.

" No, stay away from me. " Crow rejects and pulls away.

I pear at him feeling heartbroken 💔. Uldren sees my reaction with the corner of his eyes.

" I... I need time. " He excuses himself and walks away.

I stay like this. Staring at the spot where he last stood with tears shedding down my eyes.

" Oh. Poor thing. Our lovely God killer is alone now. Well, you should be thankful. Thankful that I was the one who told him and not an other guardian. " Savathûn remarks, a little irritated.

Anger burned inside me. " And you. You should be thankful that I am not killing you right now, right here. You should consider yourself lucky that I don't hand you straight to your sister. "

I talk back and leave the place.


There have been 3 days. 3 days during which Crow was doing everything in his power to avoid any interaction with me.

I have been feeling sad, hurt, broken.

I wasn't going into missions. Neither Crucible nor Gambit.

Is that what Savathûn wanted to achieve ?

Congratulations then, witch queen. Well done !

Wait for me to come back and I gonna kick your ass so hard, that you won't be able to use that smirk of yours.

I sigh watching the stars on the night sky. The night of this 4th day has come, with me at the balcony, wearing nothing but a long T-shirt and my underwear.

" You will catch a cold. " I hear a voice from behind.

" Who cares ? Go back inside and continue doing... you know. " I answer not daring to turn and face him.

" You should have told me ! You should have told me who I was and what I have done. " Uldren states.

I giggle and my hand goes to the small table next to me. I take my glass of whiskey and drink a little.

" And what would you have done ? Oh great majesty ! " I say ironically.

" Are you drunk ? " My lover questions.

" Maybe~ " I whisper and take a sip of my drink.

Uldren grabs the glass and puts it back on the table. " You have drunk enough. Let's go back inside. "

" But... but I want more. It helps me forgetting my problems for a while. " I remark while being pulled by my boyfriend inside our house.

Uldren ignores my words and sits me on the couch. He kneels in front of me to have eye contact with me. " Listen... It came as a shock. I... never waited that... you were the one who killed my old self. Y/N, I trust you more than anyone here. "

The Crow makes a pause to see my reaction. My face is pale, no emotions written on it.

" I don't blame you, sweetie, what I did was... terrible and I am sorry. Sorry for belittling you the first time I saw you years ago, sorry for killing your best friend. I... think that you did the best by not telling me... I don't think that I would tell me either. " My boyfriend takes my hand and puts a gentle kiss on it.

A tear trickles down my cheek. Crow wipes it away with his thumb. " I understand why you did what you did. You had no choice. You wanted to avenge your dead Vanguard and dear friend. I am sorry for all the pain I caused. Please, can you forgive me ? "

I smile at him. " I forgave you the moment our lips touched for first time. The question is : Can you forgive me for murdering you ? "

Uldren smiles back. " Yes. " And he kisses me again after all of these days of pain.

I have to write something of destiny for months. Was it good ?

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