Exo Stranger X Reader -- Who can love an Exo ?

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Things you need to learn first :

1. The reader is a male human hunter.

2. Killer of two of the lots of Hive Gods.

3. He is using Stasis.

4. He is the killer of Eramis and her dark council.

5. She finally learned the name of the mysterious, beautiful Exo who had told him about the Black Garden. Her name is Elizabeth Bray. The most beautiful name in the world according to him. She is his crush.

Back to now :

Reader's P.O.V :

I just woke up. Oh my light, I am so sore. Yesterday was a difficult day. I spent the whole day by wandering into Europa and killing random enemies in order to complete Variks's and Elizabeth's bounties.

I stretch my hands and get up. I yawn still affected from my sleep and have my morning routine done.

I wear my super warm armor because the climate in Europa is super cold.

I eat my breakfast and call my ghost to be transported into my ship. I sit on the pilot chair and drive it. I leave the orbit and fly towards the so cold planet.

I am teleported in Beyond. I see her having turned her back to me and being focused on a tablet in her hands.

" Good morning. " I greet her.

She immediately turns towards me shocked. Someone wasn't expecting me here. She hides her tablet behind her and looks at me.

" Hhheeeyyyy. Y/N. I wasn't expecting you today. " She remarks still surprised for my sudden and surely unexpected arrival.

" Well, yeah. Yesterday was a big and exhausting day. Nothing I couldn't handle. " I assure her.

She smiles at me and nods, but I can see that she feels a little uncomfortable.

" May I ask what are you hiding ? " I ask her politely. The orbs of her eyes shine more like if she had pupils, they would be widen right now.

" Emm. It is nothing. I just chat a little with Ana. You know talking about girl stuff. " She answers shyly. I nod in understanding.

" Well ... Then ... I will be going. See you later Elizabeth. " I wish her good bye and summon my sparrow. I ride it and drive.

I cross the Cadmus Ridge and enter the Bray Exoscience.

I enter the place and kill the Fallen there. I go to Clovis Bray and run some Exo Challenges.

I do those simulations until I feel that I can't handle anymore. I finish and go to Orbit.

I take some big breaths to full my lungs with oxygen.

" Drink some water. It will help. " My ghost suggests inside my head.

I nod and do as I am told.

" Let's go and do a little surprise to our Exo friend. " I decide and drive the ship again to Europa.

My ghost teleports us next to Variks's building. My ghost summons my sparrow.

" No. I will go walking and then use invisibility to surprise her. Again. " I state and the sparrow in front of me disappears.

I walk towards the Beyond. When I am near, I use a part of my Void abilities.

The so well known and in my opinion one of the things that make the Hunters cooler and better than the stupid Titans and the know-it-all Warlocks.


I cross the Beyond and come closer to my crush. She is speaking with Ana.

Well, double surprise. They won't know from where it will hit them.

" You need to tell him about your feelings. " Ana insists.

Elizabeth moves her head like saying no. " No. I am sure that it will make things awkward. He probably doesn't like me back. It is better staying friends. " She retorts.

Alright, who is the guy who holds her heart. If he doesn't like her back, I gonna ...

" Y/N is a good guy. He will understand. " Ana says.

My eyes widen. Elizabeth Bray likes me !? She likes me !?



I shouldn't be hearing this.
Right ?

" Well, he is, but look at me. Look at me, Ana ! I am a stupid Exo. Who can love an Exo !? " She shouts frustrated.

" I love an Exo. I love you ! " Ana tells her sister. ( We will see if Ana and Rasputin have something, I have heard that he became an Exo ).

Exo Stranger relaxes and apologizes. She hugs Ana. ( She maybe killed her in the future, but she loves her a lot ).

Argh. So cute.

They break the hug.

" You need to tell him. If you don't do it today, I will go tomorrow to the Tower and do it for you. Bye Elsie. Love ya ! " Ana wishes good bye to her sister and leaves.

I immediately start running trying not to do any sound. I hide away from her and undo my invisibility. I call my ghost.

" Give me the sparrow. " I demand.

My sparrow appears in front of me and I climb on it. My ghost disappears and I head back to her.

" Your welcome. " My ghost comments inside my mind.

I roll my eyes playfully and continue my way.

I stop some meters away from the camp. My friend is nowhere to be seen.

Where the hell did she go ?

I had left 5 fucking minutes ago.

I let my vehicle be and look inside the camp. With the corner of my eye, I notice my sparrow disappearing.

I enter this compartment thing and see her doing something on the computer.

" Hey. " I greet her.

She quickly glances at me.

" I see that you are back. " She remarks.

" Obviously. " I tell her with a smirk. I put off my helmet, so she can she my face.

She comes closer and stands in front of me.

" I need to admit something. " She says totally ignoring my hilarious/obvious comment.

" You can tell me everything Elizabeth. " I encourage her to continue.

She smiles at me. " I like you. "

Million butterflies erupt in my stomach.

I smile back. I wrap my hands around her waist and push her body against mine.

" I like you too. " I whisper next to her ear.

Her smile widens against my chest. She wraps her hands around my neck and stands on her toes. I lower my head and our lips touch.

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