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{this story will be in sophia's point of view.}

// slight mature content ahead.

"you guys feeling some froyo?" weston says jumping next to kalynn and i on the couch. "uh hell yeah!" i say, kalynn nods along. "cool, the doordash app isn't working whos going with me to get it?" weston says getting up to grab his mask and his car keys. "not it, i gotta shower. soph your on your own." kalynn says. i nod, "lemme go get my money!"

"what do you want?" i hear weston ask kalynn from the distance. i run back out, "ready?" weston asks, i nod. i grab my mask and we walk down to the parking garage. "i call aux!" i close the passenger car door. he groans and passes me the aux cord.

i started playing some music off of a shared playlist between weston, kalynn and i. the first song to play was a big time rush song, "turn this shit up! it's my jam!" i laughed and turned it up.

"have you ever had the feeling you're drawn to someone?" weston sang, "yeah" i said as with the song and he laughed. we started singing together, loudly. 

"and there isn't anything you could have said or done? and everyday i see you on your own, and i can't believe that your alone. but i overheard your girls and this is what they said." i pulled out the karaoke microphone that kalynn bought that was in the bag behind my seat. i turned it on and put it between weston and i. we both got close and started singing our hearts out.

"that your looking for a boyfriend, i see that. gimme time you know i'm gonna be there, don't be scared to come out your trust in me can't you see all i really wanna be is your boyfriend, can't fight that knock me down you know i'm coming right back i don't care at all what you've done before all i really want is to be your boyfriend." we laughed at our terrible singing.

we finished the song and arrived at the froyo place, "we crushed it." i said. "hell yeah we did." i laughed. we both put our masks on and walked into the froyo store. "whatcha getting?" weston said opening the door for me, "thank you, thank you, and probably vanilla or something." i say. "boring." i roll my eyes.

"hello! what can i get you two today?" the cashier said. "hi! can i get a medium bowl of vanilla froyo, with some oreo crumbs on top." i smiled, he nodded. "and for you sir?" weston put his finger to his chin pretending to thing. "same as her." he smirked, i playfully rolled my eyes. "can i also get a strawberry small bowl of froyo?" weston added.

"okay, that'll be 24 dollars please." i pulled my wallet out and weston quickly put his money down before i could. "hey! i wanted to pay!" he shook his head, "nope." i hit his shoulder, he smiled.

i have to admit, weston is really attractive. his personality matches mine, and he truly is one of my favorite people. i would totally date him if he'd ever ask me, which will never happen. i am so touch deprived though, i'd do anything just to cuddle someone to sleep, or to have someone caress my cheek. ugh.

"you ready to go?" i nodded. we got in the car, "play more btr or victorious" i nodded and began to shuffle my tv show music playlist. we jammed out the whole way home, with the windows down. i loved the way his hair moved with the wind. he is so freaking attractive.

"uh soph, your staring. if you think i'm cute just say it." he smirked, woah where'd this boldness come from? i mean if he gets to be bold, why can't i? "okay, your cute." weston's eyes went wide, he didn't expect me to actually say it which caused me to smirk.

"awh, you flustered now weston?" i moved my hand to his thigh. "you want me to say your so handsome, so attractive." i say, whispering. "soph, don't play this with me right now." he sternly says. "what are you gonna do about it? kiss me?" i laughed.

"what, do you want me to kiss you? you clearly were thinking about weren't you?" weston said. "and if i was?" weston looked at me. he started driving insanely fast, like if a police car was around he would be pulled over instantly. "what are you doing?" i said. "getting you home, just so i can pin you to the wall and kiss you until you forget your name." holy shit, my mouth dropped.

we pulled into the parking garage and weston quickly got out, me following him. we got into the apartment and i was already excited for what was yet to come. kalynn was in her room so we put our froyo in the freezer. weston grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room.

he did exactly what he said to me in the car, he pinned me to his wall and kissed me, hard. his hands snaked around my waist while mine went up to his hair. he pulled away slightly, "is this what you wanted?" i nodded and pulled him back in.

his lips detached from mine, and attached to my neck. i moved my head up a bit so he had more room to explore. i stifled a moan, i felt weston smirk against my skin. "guys! where are you! i thought we can watch pitch perfect and eat our froyo" weston and i both groaned.

"we can finish this later." he whispered, i nodded and gave him one more quick peck. he smiled a bit. we walked out, lips swollen and everything. "you guys good?" we both nodded. we sat down on the couch, weston close to me. kalynn on the other side.

weston held my hand once the movie started, i looked up and smiled. "you guys know i'm not dumb right?" weston and i both snapped our heads in kalynn's direction. "hm?" i said. "your lips are swollen as hell, meaning you guys were making out in there. i can see you two holding hands from the corner of my eye. what are you two together now?" kalynn said.

"no, we just had a hook up." weston answered. i looked at him, "yep just a hook up." i got up. "soph you okay?" weston said. "yeah, just fine." i went to my room.

i mean he is right, it's just a hook up. but i don't wanna be just his horny little friend. i wanna be his, but i guess that's just how things have to be. i mean he is my roommate, i cant just ignore the situation. if only i wasn't so fucking competitive.

i just laid down on my phone and watched my phone until i fell asleep for a quick nap.

// this chapter sucks, but yeah 💁‍♀️

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