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// vv explicit

as soon as we got into the hotel i pulled weston into a kiss, i wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my ass. he pushed my against the door and whispered, "jump." i obeyed and he picked me up and we walk to the end of the bed.

same position as before, i was straddling him and his hands were on my ass while mine were tangled into his hair. i started kissing down his neck and fiddling with his shirt, i pulled his shirt off and rubbed my hands on his bare chest, "your so handsome." i whispered before kissing him softly.

i started kissing down his body and leaving purple trails all over, that's when i started unbuckling his belt and taking his pants and boxers off letting his erection free, causing him to let out a sigh of relief.

i licked him from the bottom to the top and finally putting him in my mouth. "fuck." he let out a soft moan, i started going deeper and deeper until he touch the back of my throat. "you look so pretty on your knees like this." he says causing me to go crazy.

i started going faster making him panting like crazy, "i'm close." he lets out and right when he touched the back of my throat again he finished and let out a loud moan. i wiped off my mouth with the back of my hand.

"my turn for my treat." he said. i stood up and pulled off my dress and my underwear leaving me completely naked for him. i walked over to the bed and laid down.

he hovered over me and began kissing me again but desperately. he also left purple marks all over my body, kissing down to where i want him to be. "i need consent baby." he looked up at me. i nodded, "words?" he said again. "yes weston, you have my full permission for everything." i said.

he smirked and started kissing up my thighs, i let out a soft moan at his touch. he kissed my clit and started eating me out. i moaned loudly, "holy shit." my eyes rolled to the back of my head while he kept switching between fingers and his tongue.

"i'm getting close weston" i choked out, he used his tongue once more but this time rubbing my clit with his thumb at the same time, the pleasure almost overwhelming. i moaned loudly and finished.

weston hovered over me again and he began kissing me, i pushed him off of me and i started to straddle him. i started rocking my hips back and forth and he let out a deep groan.

i grabbed his shaft and lined myself up with my entrance, i sat down slowly and moaned. i went up and down slowly until i went completely in, making both of us moan.

weston put a tight grip on my waist and we formed a rhythm together, the room was filled with moans and pants that we knew the entire floor level could hear.

"fuck you look so amazing on top of me like this, your doing so good." weston praised, i moaned in response. he started kissing my neck, leaving bruises.

he flipped us over so now he was on top, my breast going up and down with the movements, his movements were getting sloppier meaning he was getting close, he put his thumb on my clit and rubbed knowing that it would pleasure me even more then he already was.

i moaned loudly, "i'm close." he moved faster with both movements "me too." with two more movements we both finished at the same time.

weston pulled out and grabbed a towel to clean me up, he threw the towel in the dirty laundry and got me a hoodie and underwear to wear to bed while he just put his boxers back on.

he laid down next to me and pulled me close, i looked up at him just to admire him. "i love you." i whisper softly while moving his loose hairs out of his face.

"i love you." he replied moving my loose hairs of of my face. "your so beautiful you know that? i'm so lucky to have you as my girlfriend." he said causing my stomach to do flips.

i got up and kissed him softly, one of those kisses where all my problems and worries escaped. the kiss where i knew that there's no one else made for me, where i felt safe and loved.

we pulled away and he turned the tv on and put on  adventure time so we can fall asleep to it. "goodnight, princess." he said, "goodnight love." and with that we both fell asleep.

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