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i woke up to weston and i's phone blowing up, i groaned and grabbed my phone along with weston's. "weston here, someone is texting the groupchat." he nodded and took the phone.

weston, kalynn, and i all have a groupchat with our two best friends aksel and hoover. weston, kalynn and i met aksel through twitter and went to london before quarantine started. we met hoover about two months after quarantine. we all because super close, and planning to move to austin texas together soon.

core five 💁‍♀️

aksel :)
guys! i can come to the united states next month, and i can ship my stuff down a week before!! so we moving or what? weston, kalynn and sophia need to be there by like next week to get stuff prepared

hoover !
hell yeah! let's do it! i can come down around the same time. i just got my second dose of the covid vaccine so i have to wait a bit.

kalynn koury <3
weston, soph, and i are more than happy to go down to texas next week. i'm pretty sure weston had something planned with connor and stuff anyways, so sophia and i can do the house looking and stuff while he does that?

aksel :)
that works! only if that's okay with weston and sophia?

aksel :)
you guys here?

hoover !
kalynn u should probably check up on them lol where they at

kalynn koury <3
just went to weston's room he ain't there.

kalynn koury <3
uh just went to sophia's room and their cuddling. wtf is goin on.

aksel :)

hoover !
wait what

hoover !
WAIT they did not get together did they?

kalynn koury <3
if they did it took them long enough, it's been years since they first started liking together and never admitted it.

aksel :)
wake them tf up i need tea

kalynn koury <3
pretty sure their wake up soon, i can hear their phones buzzing every damn minute.

weston koury <33
first things first, yes next week works for us going to texas. i have my second dose, well we all do, and we can get covid tested tmr.

weston koury <33
second, no soph and i arnt officially together yet. it's a long story. yea we were cuddling but like idk how to explain it.

next week works

and lemme explain weston bc u suck so badly at it lol

we r kind of together, no labels just yet. i wanna take it slow knowing how badly my past relationships have been

weston koury <33
yeah what she said

kalynn koury <3
happy 4 u guys :))

hoover !
me 2 !!

aksel :))
me freaking 3 !!

i heard weston chuckle at the texts. he put his phone down and got comfortable back in bed. i combed his hair for a bit before i decided to leave, "i'm going to go talk to kalynn, get some sleep." i kissed his forehead. he nodded and drifted back off back to sleep.

i walked out to the living room to kalynn eating a bagel with hot cheetos. "hey!" she smiled up at me. she patted the seat next to her, "hi, your not mad are you?" i said. "what? why would i be?" she furred her eyebrow.

"i don't know, me being with weston kinda. i didnt want you to think it was going to effect our friendship, or like me using you." i said. he sat down her bagel and pulled me in for a hug. "i'd never think that, i am genuinely so happy for you two. you've been keeping it from each other for years, i've been waiting for this day. i love you." she said i looked up and smiled. "i love you too kalynn, thank you!" we pulled away.

weston walked back out rubbing his eyes, "couldn't go back to sleep." we laughed. "anyways texas next week, ay?" he said sitting next to me and pulling him into his embrace. "mhm. you guys ready?" kalynn said. "oh yeah!" i said, weston laughed and nodded.

"i'm thinking i can go in two days? i don't know to explore maybe? i mean you guys can come if you would like, but i know weston you have a lot to prepare for with meeting connor and them." kalynn said. "no you can go! have time to yourself, you deserve it!" i say, she smiled. weston just nodded.

"thank you! i love you!" kalynn said, "i love you." weston looked up at me, i just smiled and kissed him. he smiled and got comfy again.

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