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i woke up to an empty space next to me, i was confused but i grabbed my phone and saw texts from the groupchat.

cour five :D

aksel !
guys i'll be there in three days

kalynn koury <33
cool! i think that sophia and weston should be back? not sure.

i think we might be, we have the hotel for four days so it really depends on sophia

where r u guys?

houston, went on a trip by ourselves

aksel !
expecting a baby in 9 months

we keep it safe

kalynn koury <33
told her to take her birth control

i did thank you

aksel !
okay i'm out, better not be doing shit like that when we're there

no promises :)

"and she's awake!" weston says getting out of the bathroom with it hair wet. i nod and he walks up to giving me a soft kiss. "i tried to hurry so you wouldn't wake up alone, i'm sorry." he said sitting down next me on the bed.

"it's okay, love." i replied getting close to him. he played with my hair and cuddled me close. "so what day would you wanna leave?" he softly said. "i'd wanna be there when aksel and hoover get there, if that's okay?" i looked up at him. "yes of course, we can leave tomorrow? kalynn said that our stuff is there so we can get our room set up." i smiled and nodded.

with weston playing with my hair and getting close to me i felt like i could fall asleep again, "i'm getting sleepy again." i whispered. "me too, nap?" he said and i nodded. he got under the covers and we fell back to a comfortable sleep.


i woke up to my phone buzzing, i looked at it and it was kalynn calling me. "hello?" i whispered trying not to wake up weston. "jade's been throwing up a lot, i want to take her to the vet but jade's in weston's name." she said freaking out.

"my baby, i'll wake him up. we'll get there as soon as we can." i responded, slowly waking up. "okay thank you." i ended the phone and decided to start waking weston up.

"baby?" i said. he groaned, "what is it love?" weston said moving around a bit. "jade's been throwing up and we need to take her to the vet, she's in your name." i said, he opened his eyes. "oh no, okay." he said getting out of bed.

jade's always been weston's best friend, he'll do anything for jade. he calls us his girls and he's protect the both of us for a lifetime. i knew he would want to leave immediately to check up on her.

i got up and put on leggings since i wasn't wearing any pants with my hoodie. i packed my bag which was easy since there wasn't much to pack, weston finished quickly. we both used the bathroom and went on the road.

jade's okay guys !!! here's a short little chapter :D guys this is the second to last chapter )):

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