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/ mature content ahead /

// two days later

kalynn's been gone for a couple days now, it's been peaceful for weston and i. we haven't done much, i mean him and i have made out a couple times, but he respect my boundaries and haven't gone further. i personally think i'm ready though, i just don't know how to tell him.

right now i was in my room, i had my led lights on and was on spotify making some new playlists. i made one for kalynn and i to jam out to when her and i hang out, i made one that was named ' songs that make me think of him <33 ' i thought it was cute.

i was finishing up my last one, which was a bit more out there. it was named ' red leds playlist ' i mean it puts the point out there. it has some ariana grande songs, the weekend, and just some songs for background during make out sessions, or more.

right as i put my last song on the playlist my phone buzzed. i was thinking it was kalynn giving us her daily updates with texas, but i was wrong.

weston koury <33

weston koury <33
*insert one image*
red leds playlist, huh? who's this for?

oh shit i thought i made those private. but now that i'm thinking about it, this may be my time to let him know i'm ready.

weston koury <33

i made that for this guy i'm sorta seeing. he's really attractive.

weston koury <33
oh i see, whyd you make it for him?

oh their just songs i'd like to have in the background when he's inside of me.

makes me think of how hot he is, and how attractive he'd be with those songs in the background.

him being on top of me, so deep inside of me that i'm moving the bed.

the music so loud that it just almost blocks out all the notices coming out of our mouths.

weston koury <33
oh yeah?


weston koury <33
when do u plan on doing all of this?

hm, i was thinking rn?

right as i sent that i heard weston's door open, then close. i heard his footsteps getting closer and closer, he knocked on the door. "wait one second." i said, i had an idea.

i heard him tapping his foot outside the door, while i was changing into some lingerie i had bought a couple months ago, i bought it just for whenever i needed it. perfect timing.

i sat at the end of my bed, "come in." my led lights had been changed to red and weston walks in. "holy shit." he says walking closer, "wait." i said grabbing my computer. "let's test how well my red leds playlist works, okay?" he nodded, eagerly.

i pushed the play button and the first song to play was let me love you by ariana grande. one of my personal favorites. he walked over to me and laid me down on the bed, and crawled on top. "this is what you wanted, hm?" i nodded, i grabbed his neck and pulled him down to me.

our lips finally connecting. weston started kissing down to my jaw, then my neck, and then right between my breasts. "your so hot." he breaths out. "that's all you, wes." i chocked out, he kissed back up to my neck and i moved it up so he could explore more around it.

i pushed him off of me, which concerned him until i got on top of him, straddling him. he moved my jaw up, "are you sure you want to do this? don't feel rushed." he caressed my cheek, this one action made me see how much he truly cared, which made my decision much easier.

"i'm ready, i promise". i smiled before kissing him. i started kissing down his neck, sucking on his skin. definitely leaving a bruise. he let out a soft, and quiet moan. making me smirk, knowing that i'm the one making him feel this good.

i pulled away from his neck so i can take off his shirt, leaving him bare chested. hot. i then decided to unclip my bra, leaving weston completely mesmerized. i leaned back down to kiss him, he flipped us back over to the original position.

we made out for a while longer before i decided to take off his shorts, and his boxers. leaving him completely naked for me. he fingers trailing down to my thong, slowly pulling them off. "shit i forgot a condom." he said. "don't worry, i'm on birth control." i said, he nodded.

"ready?" he said. i nodded. he slowly pushed in, both of us letting out a stuttered breath.


weston plopped down next to me, his chest rising up and down as fast as mine was. he turned over to his side, me doing the same. he pulled me into another kiss, but one more gently. one of those kisses where we both fade away from the world, it's just us two in that moment.

we pulled away and he pulled me into his chest, i turned my led lights off and turned on steven universe. "hey wes?" i said. "hm?" what i was about to ask may have been really fast, but i don't care anymore.

"how would you like it if we both were able to say that we had a boyfriend and a girlfriend?" i looked up to him, he was taken aback from what i had just said. "are you saying what i think your saying?" he stuttered a bit, i nodded slightly.

"i would love nothing more than to be able to say you were my girlfriend." i smiled, "and i'd love nothing more than to say you were my boyfriend." we kissed, yet again. "you ready to go to bed, girlfriend?" he said, i laughed.

"your such a weirdo." he laughed, and we both drifted to a nice and happy sleep.

BOOM publishing three chapters in one day, also sorry i didn't really write like full smut idk i didn't have motivation to write it all. but i hope it's okay :)) and i hope u guys like the way sophia asked weston out, i'm a little eh about it so depending how feedback is i might change it. <333

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