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"wake up! we got a plane to catch!" i hear kalynn say before someone starts letting all the air out of the air mattress. both weston and i wake up and see kalynn letting the air out and yelling for us to wake up.

we all are flying to texas and having our stuff that we decided to take shipped out to us. none of us had the motivation to drive over 24 hours. and for the rooms. we found a four bedroom house, everyone has there own room, well except weston and i. our budget didn't make it so we all had our own rooms so weston and i decided to share, wasn't a big deal anyways we were going to end up sleeping in the same rooms anyways.

"okay, okay. i'll get up." i say groaning, i was exhausted. i knew i shouldn't have agreed to having an early flight. i felt weston turn around and pull me close to him, he started kissing my neck. i let out a soft, quiet moan, i had to stop this quickly and ignore the feeling i'm getting.

"weston, we can't right now. i gotta go change." i turn my head and kiss him, "you know i wish we could." i whisper before getting up and walking over to the clothes i had set out the night before. i close the door and throw my shirt off, i look and see weston's eyes on me, completely glued on me.

i put my bra on and then my shirt. i then took my pajama shorts and replaced them with my jeans. i look up and weston was still staring at me. i laughed and bent down a bit to give him another kiss, when i pulled away he pulled me back in. "just love your lips." he whispered.

i hide my face in his neck and he pulls me down on top of him and wraps his arms around me. i wrap my arms around him and we stay in that position for a while. "i love you, so much." he mumbles in my neck. "i love you more." i mumble back.

"okay, you guys and cute an all. but i just fully packed everyone so you can have your little moment. it's time to leave." kalynn says at the door causing me to jump. weston laughs, "be right out." we both get up.

"i'll let you change." i say to weston leaving the room and closing the door. i walk over to the kitchen and sit on the counter taking one last look at the apartment, so many memories were made in this apartment.

i mean i finally got together with weston, after years and years of hiding it. kalynn and i became closer then ever here, and we started so many friendships. i will miss the la era, so much.

i heard weston close his door and i see him looking all handsome, "look at my handsome boyfriend." i say. he smiles and does his little dance causing me to laugh. "gosh your such a dork." i jump off the counter.

"you guys ready to go?" kalynn says behind us, i snap my head and nod. i jump down from the counter and weston pulls me into his embrace. "wait! we gotta vlog, say goodbye to our last bit of the la era." kalynn says grabbing the camera.

"i'll film the cute couple." she says causing me to cringe. weston laughs at my cringe face and he nods to kalynn. the second i know it's recording i try to pull out of weston's embrace but he has a strong grip and picks me up, "get me down you monster!" he just laughs evilly.

"yeah guys, kalynn is stuck with this couple stuff." i laugh as weston sets me down and goes to grab the camera from kalynn. kalynn does her little dance, and me being the hype man i am hyping her up. "go bestie. go bestie." she laughs and weston turns the camera off.

"now we're ready to leave." kalynn laughs and we all leave the apartment for the last time. weston grabbed my hand once we got into the elevator, "one last elevator mirror selfie?" i say and everyone nods.

i pull out my phone and we all do a silly pose, "hmm post?" i ask everyone so i have permission.

-insert image-
last la elevator mirror selfie )): @wes10 @kalynnkoury
liked by @wes10, @kalynnkoury, 108 more.
- @wes10 haha whos that boy on ur right? he single?
@sophiamonroe a weird ass person who photo bombed me and my friend
- @kalynnkoury we r so hot
@sophiamonroe true true

i heard the elevator ding once i finished responding to my friends and we walked out, going into the parking garage. "i call shotgun!" i yell causing weston to groan. i laugh and get into the passenger seat next to kalynn.

i plug my aux in and let whatever songs play, it was a good 30 minute drive to the airport so i don't wanna waste all my good music on the drive there when i can be using it for the flight.

"hey, who's sitting where?" kalynn asks weston, weston paid for the tickets a couple weeks ago. "i'm sitting next to sophia, you're behind us." he says after swallowing his water. she nods.

it was a pretty smooth ride to the airport, some traffic here and there. mostly good songs played so we all got to sing along. we just passed security which of course made me all weird because airport security makes me uncomfortable.

we were at our gate waiting to board, i was so tired i was about to pass out along with weston. kalynn was wide awake, she got starbucks while waiting but i didn't wanna have anything to drink because i didn't wanna have to go pee during the flight. weston just didn't feel like getting coffee, which i knew he was regretting by now.

our flight finally got called and weston and i got excited, flight being called meant nap time. "yes! nap time." weston laughed behind me, "so true." kalynn just shrugged, she was perfect fine for the plane ride.

weston and i sat down and i soon as it took off i laid my head on his shoulder and he gave me a kiss on my forehead, "goodnight, love. i love you." he whispered, i got up and kissed him on the lips very softly. "goodnight, i love you more." and i laid back down and drifted off into sleep.

i may start updating every 2-3 days? i'm not sure. but here's a bit of a medium/long chapter that i wrote during my road trip :DD i hope u guys enjoy

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