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i woke up to weston watching a movie on his phone, i looked out the window and we're still in the air. weston took his headphone out, "good morning sleepy head." he chuckled. i yawned, "i slept good, thank you." i smiled and gave him a quick peck. once i pulled away and he pulled me back in.

"just love your lips." he whispers in my ear once we pulled away again. i got close to his ear again, "you have to stop saying things like that during times like this. you don't want to be fucking me right here in front of everyone right?" i smirked and tried to move away but he pulled me in, "just wait until we have the time." and he pulled away and went back to watching his movie.

shit, this man does so much to me. i grabbed one of his headphones and put in my ear and began watching his movie myself. he grabbed my hand and i smiled, i'm so deeply in love with him.

the pilot told us we were about to land so weston and i turned the movie off and we got close to the window to see us land, don't know why we always do that together when we're on a plane.

i was sitting in the window seat so weston had to look over me. he rested his head on my shoulder. "i love you so much, i'm so in love with you." weston whispers. i looked at him and kissed him, "i love you so much more, stop making me get chessy on the plane." i laugh.

"it was a good moment, i just had to." he said, i playfully rolled my eyes and kissed him again. we looked at the window again. and realized we had landed but we were so caught up in our own moment that we didn't realize it.

it's moment like that, that's i'm sorry grateful for the life i have. i have the most amazing best friend, kalynn is my platonic soulmate and someone i can talk to about anything and everything.

and i have the most loving boyfriend, weston is the person i see myself being with forever. he understand me and my overthinking, he knows what to do with my panic attacks.

"baby, why are you crying?" i hear weston say, i realize i was starting to cry, damn i'm so emotional. "nothing, nothing. i was just thinking." he nodded and kissed my forehead.

idk i kinda let my fingers jusy write this one so it's really really cheesy haha

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