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6 days later

weston and kalynn are on their way back, i've been in bed every single day i've been home. drowning in my own thoughts.  it's been horrible, on one day i redownloaded twitter and saw all the nasty comments people have said about me. and how weston deserves better then me, and that's how my mentality changed to all those negative comments.

i heard the door open, and i heard running. not to shortly after kalynn and weston walked in. the both jumped on me and hugged me, i laughed a bit but that quickly faded. "okay as much as i've missed you i have to pee so badly, i'll be back." kalynn said running out.

weston laughed, "hey baby. how've you been." he said sitting up normally. i decided to sit up normally. "i've been okay, but we really need to talk." this next part i've been dreading all week, i felt my eyes becoming wet. i took a deep breath.

"weston, you have been someone very important to me for a while now. i've been head over heels for you for years, and i'm so lucky that i got to experience being yours for a month now. but with how my mental health has changed, i don't think i'm mentally stable to be in a relationship right now, i promise you treated me so well, and none of this has to do with you. maybe we can recross paths someday, and become lovers again. but i can't be in a relationship anymore. i'm going to be staying at emma's house for a little bit, until i'm ready to come back. because it would be really unhealthy for us to live together because we won't be able to grow." i said, i was already balling my eyes out.

i texted our friend emma chamberlain a couple days ago and asked if i could stay with her for a couple weeks, she lives close so it was easy.

"as much as i don't want to, i know it's better for you. i understand. i'll be here whenever you need and me, and whenever your mentally ready for a relationship." weston chocked out, i hugged him, so tightly. i'm so glad he understood, i really am grateful for him and the time we spent together, even if it was cut short.

"i'll be back in no time, i promise." i said. he nodded. we both let go, "i'll see you soon." weston said leaving the room. i was crying like a baby, i really need to go to emma's asap. kalynn came back and looked at me, "what happened?" she ran and hugged me.

i explained the whole situation, including me going to stay with emma for a bit. "oh soph, whatever you need to do to get better. weston and i are here when your ready." kalynn said. i'm so glad they both understood.

we wiped our tears together and my phone buzzed, i looked and it was emma telling me she was here. kalynn saw and nodded. i grabbed the stuff i was taking, i didn't take it all so they knew that i was coming back i wasn't leaving them forever, i could never do that.

i walked out, saying goodbye to kalynn. weston was in his room and i didn't wanna bother him, he needed his time. i walked to emma's car and we just talked the whole way to her house.

i just tried to keep myself together, this was good. this was for my healing. right?

guys i'm sorry ugh, i feel like this is terrible but i rly didn't want any other conflict that could be toxic. if this is something u guys don't like i'll change it but yeah. love u all. <3

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