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"ooh weston i have an idea!" i said sitting up from weston's mattress, it was saturday night, aka our last night is la, and out last couple of days have been packed with packing. "hm?" he said looking up at me. "okay, okay. you'll probably say no but can we do face masks and nose strips?" i smile, with puppy dog eyes hoping it'll be more convincing.

"nope." he said going back down to his phone. i got closer to his face, "please." i whisper. he sighs, "fine fine." i smile and grab his hand. we both get out of bed and head to the bathroom. kalynn was passed out in her room with the door open and i quietly closed the door.

as soon as we got into the bathroom i went through what was last of my face masks and nose strips. weston wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head in the crook of my neck. i smiled kissed his forehead softly.

"now come here let's do face masks first." i said, he nodded tiredly, these face masks will wake him up. i sat on the bathroom counter and pulled him to where he was standing between my legs. i grabbed my black peeling face masks and began putting it all over his face.

"ah it's cold." weston said, jumping a bit. i laughed, "yeah, i've gotten used to it." i continued putting the face masks on until it was all over his face. i gave him a quick peck, "look at you!" he looked in the mirror and made a disgusted face. i scoffed. "my turn." i turned around and looked in the mirror and began putting my face mask on.

"ah! no! i'm doing it on you." weston said while taking the stuff out of my hands. i laughed and turned back around so i'm facing him. he smiles at me and begins putting the face mask on. i shiver a bit at the touch, "gotten used to it, huh?" he says with a laugh. i flip him off and he continues.

it's all finished so i took a quick picture, "look how cute we are." i say showing weston the picture. "we look hot! post!" he says. i laugh and nod.

*insert image*
guys i'm in love, he let me do face masks with him at like 11 at night. @wes10
- 1043 likes || - 204 comments
@wes10 - skincare is very important! but i love you :D
@sophiamonroe @wes10 i love you more <3

i turned around and kissed weston softly. he smiled into the kiss. "i love you." i said after i pulled away. "i love you too." i looked at our face masks, "their ready." he nodded. he began to peel his off and i held back in a laugh, i know he's gonna be in pain.

"ow shit!" he said after he almost ripped half of his mask off. i automatically started dying with laughter, "damn shoulda got that on video. it's going to be painful, baby." i say in between laughs. i do mine and rip mine off in one piece, not painful.

i looked in the mirror to weston completely shocked that i had just done that with no hesitation, and no pain. "how the fuck?" he said, still in utter shock. i shrugged, "i've gotten used to it. hurry up and take yours off i'm getting sleepy." i say.

he nods and hesitantly goes to rip the other half of the mask. he does it like a bandaid, "fuck!" i laugh. "hey it's off now, that's all that matters." i said. he nods.

we both wash the rest little bits off of our faces. "okay ready for bed?" i say. he nods, tiredly. we both walk into his room and get in bed. "goodnight, my love." i whisper before kissing him softly.

"goodnight, baby." and we doze off to sleep, for our last time in la.


hey guys, i'm sorry that the next few chapters will be released very slowly. i've gotten hit with some news that i'm just trying to deal with, i love you all and i hope to be back on a schedule hopefully soon. so enjoy this little cute chapter in the mean time <3

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