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the whole car ride home i just sat in silence, drowning in my negative thoughts. people tried to talk to me but i just nodded and shook it off, i'm too tired and in shock to be able to speak. why'd this have to happen on our first day in texas? i don't think i can stay in texas the whole week, when things like this happen i need to be by myself and mentally gather myself back properly.

once we got home everyone said their good nights and weston and i went to our room. once that door shut weston pulled me in for a hug, i was holding back all my tears so once he finally put me in his arms i let it all out. "it's okay baby, i'm so sorry people can't respect boundaries." he said rubbing my back, comforting me.

we stayed in that position for a while, just having me have my moment. once i finally calmed myself i thought it was time to let weston know, "i don't think i'm going to stay in texas for the rest of this week. this really shattered my mental health and i really need time to myself to gather it all back together. if that's okay? i'm sorry, i really am." i softly said. "of course, i can buy the plane ticket home. do you want me to go with you?" he said while grabbing his phone to buy the ticket.

"no, you stay here. you look for the house, i'll stay back and collect myself." as much as i want weston there, i don't at the same time. i need to think about what i need to do going forward with this. "okay, i bought the ticket for 11am tomorrow, you get ready for bed and i'll let everyone know real quick." he smiled and left.

i began peeling all my clothes off my body, and replacing them with my clothes i'm wearing for bed. i set aside my airport outfit, something very different then what i wore today so it will keep me more hidden. i really don't wanna see anybody and i really don't want any attention towards me.

i decided to post on twitter that i'm taking a mental break, leaving out why because i don't need to explain myself.

@sophmontoe || 4 secs ago
hey guys, i will be taking a mental break from social media. also pls stop asking weston & i questions about what happen, we will answer them when we are ready. also pls just respect people's privacy, this was rly immature and disgusting someone would do this. love u all, see u soon. xo soph <3

i deleted twitter, instagram, and tiktok. i don't wanna look at any comments, replies, and all of that because i know that it will affect my mental health even more.

i got in bed and plugged my phone. i shut my eyes and dozed off to sleep, i really don't wanna talk to anybody about anything tonight, so my escape is sleep.


i woke up to weston's phone going off, i'm guessing he put an alarm so that we would wake up on time for my flight. i groaned and rubbed my eyes. weston was still dead asleep, and not turning his damn alarm off. "weston, wake up." i shook him, he groaned. he grabbed his phone and finally turned his alarm off.

i quickly got out of bed, i really wanted to leave texas already. i need to be home and in my own bed. i put on the airport outfit i had already set aside last night and packed my suitcase. weston got out of bed and just threw a shirt on and called it good, he's probably going back to bed once he gets back here.

"ready to go?" i say, he nods. we walked out and everyone was already in the living room, waiting. kalynn was the first to hug me goodbye, "love you, text me if you need anything." she whispers in my ear. "i will, love u." i whisper back. connor was next, "it was great seeing you!" he said, i'm glad he's acting like everything was normal. "it was! hopefully it'll be better next time." i say.

schlatt was next, "bye." he said. i laugh, "bye." i waved my last goodbyes and weston and i walked out. he decided to drive me to the airport, even though i wanted to uber.

we got in the car and it was silent pretty much the entire ride, i think we were just so tired that we didn't have motivation to speak, we arrived at the airport and it was time for our goodbyes. we both got out and i hugged him. "i'll see you soon, okay? bye baby." he said, i kissed him. "bye, love." i walked away and he waved and got back in the car.

so glad we didn't make it super cheesy, i would've cried. i'm glad to go home though.

heyyyy, i'm going to try and update a lot today so be prepared <33

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