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i woke up from my nap to someone shaking me, "baby, we're here." i hear weston softly say. pet names, my favorite thing. i nodded and slowly opened my eyes. "we're about to land, i thought you'd wanna be awake for that." he said, i smiled. i pulled him in for a quick peck.

it took us about 10 minutes to fully land and get off the plane. we met kalynn at baggage claim, it feels like i haven't seen her in forever. i mean me and her are always together, but i'm glad she got time to herself i just missed her.

"kalynn!" i ran to her and hugged her, weston dragging along both of our luggage. "soph! are you guys excited to be in texas? it's awesome here!" he smiled as we pulled away. "i am really excited, i cant wait to meet connor and spend time with him!"weston said.

i turned around and smiled at me, i've never seen him so excited like this before. "and of course spending time with my girlfriend." i flipped him off and laughed, so cheesy. "wait what?" kalynn said, shit i totally forgot to tell her.

"we made it official last night, i'm sorry i didn't tell you until now. i'm so stupid." how could i forget to tell kalynn? out of all people. i even talked to her this morning and didn't tell her. "no! i'm so happy for you two! i'm not third wheeling though, like ever." we laughed.

"okay let's go! connor let me borrow his car so we can drive over to his place." we nodded. connor offered us to stay at his place, he had enough rooms. we grabbed our luggage and went to his car. "i call shotgun!" weston called, i flipped him off and he laughed.

we got in the car and my bluetooth randomly connected to connor's car. it showed the playlist that made me think of weston. "songs that make me think of him?" kalynn said, i put my face in my hands. "i thought it was cute okay" i mumbled. i don't like people knowing how cutesy i can get, only one person can see that and that's the person who i am with. i've always been that way.

"it is cute!" kalynn said. "i indeed like it." weston snickered. i playfully hit shoulder, i changed the playlist to the songs from tv shows one so we can all jam out to it. "hey, when are you guys planning on telling social media about you two?" kalynn asked. "probably a month or two after we've been together, i want time for ourselves and to really see each other in a deeper level you know? of course we've known each other for years, but not as significant others so there's new things to learn." i said, "smart girlfriend i have." weston said. i smiled.

"are you guys going to let connor know?" kalynn asked, "well of course. our friends can know, i just don't want the public to know. people will ask questions, and we will probably receive some hate. or i guess i will." i mumbled. weston put his hand on my knee, "you know, no matter what anyone says. your amazing, and their just jealous because you have me and they don't." he said. i laughed a bit, "that's why i want to wait a bit to, mentally prepare myself." weston nodded.

we arrived at connor's house after a good 10 minutes of driving. we got out of the car and was greeted by connor, the man himself. "weston! sophia!" connor yelled, we both went up to hug him. "what's up!" weston said. i walked away to go grab our luggage and let them two have their bro moment.

"what! no way! happy for you man!" i heard connor say from a distance. i turned my head in their direction and saw weston waving me over. i dragged both of our luggage over there, "i told connor about us, i hope that's okay?" he said. i smiled and nodded, "of course." weston wrapped his arm around me, i blushed a bit.

"well that actually works great! i thought i had more room but one of the extra rooms has slowly became a storage room over the time we planned this. so i'm hoping you two are okay sharing a room, and a bed?" connor said. we both nodded, "that's fine, nothing new." weston smiled.

"perfect! you guys can just bring your luggage inside and i'll show you guys your room. and you guys can just get it perfect to your comfort. i was thinking we can go the the arcade near by tonight? maybe do a stream on my account?" connor said. "sounds fun!" i excitedly said. i love arcades.

connor showed us our room, weston and i dropped our luggage off and laid down on the bed. "pretty comfy i would say." weston said, i laughed. "true true." i turned on my side and just admired weston. he turned on his side, "what's up?" he softly said. "nothing, i'm just looking at you." i realized how badly that sounded once i said it out loud, "not badly! i don't know, i just can't believe your mine." he smiled. he kissed me softly. "and i can't believe your mine."

i truly can't believe we're together, i just hope nothing gets in the way of it.

guys i'm trying to think of good conflict so if u have any good ideas pls lmk :)

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