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// tw: panic attack

i woke up to my phone alarm going off, weston groaned "turn it off." he moved closer to me. "we can't we have to go to texas, our flight leaves in a couple hours we gotta go." he nodded. i got up, "i need to shower, i better come back to you out of bed getting ready." i said, i did not wanna be late.

i picked out my clothes for today, i found a really cute strawberry dress, it was a pretty tight dress that showed my figure but i wasn't going to let my insecurities get in the way of today.

i stripped off my previous clothes i was wearing and turned my water to, hot water. i had a playlist that i made for myself on in the background, just to keep me motivated.

i finished my shower, quicker then i usually i would. i wrapped a towel in my hair, and around my body. i decided while i was drying off i should start on my makeup, i put on some eyeliner, mascara, highlighter, and lip gloss. i don't like going extreme.

- panic attack starts here, if u get uncomfortable with situations like this pls feel feel to skip this part. u do not need to read this if you don't need to, i wanna make sure u feel comfortable reading my fanfics. i love u <33 -

i put on the dress and i looked at myself in the mirror. i knew what it looked like, i knew it would show my figure. why would i pick this out? everyone's going to look at me, all the attention would be on me.

i look like i'm asking for it, i look like a hoe, why would i wanna dress like this? i'm so gross.

my breathing started to become very uneven, everything around me felt like it was closing in on me. i sat down, hoping it would calm me down. i put my knees to my chest, hugging myself. trying to ground myself, quickly before weston would notice.

i heard a knock on the door, "soph?" weston said. my breathing so uneven i couldn't even speak. "sophia, i'm coming in." i just let him come in. he opened the door and saw me. he automatically came down next to me and pulled me into a hug.

i wrapped my arms around him and we both sat there for a while, "it's okay. here look at me." he pulled away from our hug and looked me in the eyes.  "breath in." we both breathed in, "and out." and we both breathed out. "let's do it togehter okay?" he said i nodded.

- panic attack ends here <3 -

after a couple more minutes of breathing techniques i finally calmed down. "okay now, love-" i smiled a bit at the new pet names. "-what happened? remember your feelings are valid, don't feel like a burden with this." he said rubbing my back.

"i don't know, i put on this dress and looked in the mirror and absolutely hated how i looked. i looked gross, like i was asking for it. i knew that if i wore this to the airport, even to texas people would look at me. i'd look like a whore, weston. it caused me to overthink, which lead to my panic attack. i think i might change, it's for the better." i sighed.

i tried to get up to go change, but weston pulled me back down. "no, don't. soph, you are so pretty. this dress is so pretty, expecally on you. you do not look like a whore at all, and you certainly do not look like your asking for it. you look so good, i'm so sorry that you feel this way, and i'd do anything for you to be able to see yourself in my eyes, and see how truly breathtaking you are." he softly said, caressing my cheek.

i felt a single tear drop down my cheek, he rubbed it off and pulled me down into his embrace. "now if you really want to change, you can. but i want you to know how pretty it looks on you." he said. "i'll keep it on, you lowered my negative thoughts." i looked up, and he smiled. i kissed him softly.

"i packed my bag, and a little bit of yours. i thought you'd like to pack what clothes you'd wanna wear and what not." i nodded. we got up from the bathroom, i quickly combed my hair and met weston in my room.

i finished packing my bag, and we packed up our car. "texas aint ready for us" weston said, i laughed and nodded. we got in the car and i played him the playlist i made for him, he loved it. well he only loved the first half he heard, there was still more to listen to. but we had time, hopefully.

we went through security and everything, and i hated every second of it. of course i had nothing to hide, they just stress me out. we were now waiting our gate, we had about thirty more minutes to go. i decided to tweet, i had about 200k followers, just from videos and stuff i've been apart of with weston and all of them.

@sophmontoe || 20 secs
guys airport security is scary scary
203 likes || 4 retweets || 57 replies
@westonkoury || 3 secs ago
literally though, anyways i miss you.
@sophmontoe || 2 secs ago
loser i'm right next to u
@westonkoury || 1 secs ago
and? just bc ur next to me doesn't mean i cant miss u, anyways here's a hasan fancam
* insert that hasan fancam weston always posts on twitter bc i'm too lazy to download it lol *

i laugh at weston's stupidness. i turned next to him and kissed him. "when do you wanna announce our relationship publicly?" weston said while grabbing my hand. i shrugged, "not right now, i mean we just got together i don't feel like being bombarded with so many questions. if that's okay?" i looked up. "of course." he smiled.

our plane finally got called and we were one of the first to go on, not first class definitely not my thing. no matter how rich i ever get, i will never ever fly first class. okay that's a lie, maybe if i get like rich rich i may try it.

we got all buckled and settled in our seats, i decided to nap a bit, most of my panic attacks tire me out, so i wanted to rest. i grabbed weston's hand tightly, laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. i felt a kiss on my forehead, right before i fell asleep.

hope u guys enjoyed this chapterrrrr :) i'm making a playlist rn on spotify for u guys to listen to when u read !!  it includes music from playlists mentioned last chapter and just songs that match the fanfic it's self, should be done not to shortly after this is published <3

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