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i woke up in my bed, very confused. i don't remember being in here last? last i remember is kalynn, weston, and i on the couch watching adventure time. i grabbed my phone 2am, damn i slept a while.

i saw some texts from weston.

weston koury <33

weston koury <33
hey soph, u fell asleep on the couch and i didn't know if u were comfortable sleeping with me yet so i put u in ur room. night <3

ofc i'm comfortable sleeping with you, ur my boyfriend. but tysm for caring. it means a lot, i love you.

i realized weston would be sleeping so i just kinda sat in bed, i put on some light music hoping it would help me calm down and fall back asleep. but my phone went off.

weston koury
come to my room then ((: i need ur cuddles to go to bed )):

i automatically hopped out of bed, i also quickly changed out of my day clothes into some shorts and a sports bra. i quietly open and shut my door, and i tip toe to weston's room.

i open the door and i see weston laying comfortably in bed with jade right beside him. he smiles once he sees me and i lay down next to him. jade comes right up to me, "awh i missed you." i say petting jade. i hear weston slip out of bed.

"this is adorable, i have to take a picture. my two loves." he softly says. i hear his phone click, meaning he took the picture. he lays back down and pulls me and jade close to him. "is it okay if i post this? only if your comfortable with people knowing about us?" weston whispers.

i look up to him, "i'm ready for them to know, because i know your love me and that's all that matters. i'll post something too actually." i said confidently. all of what i said was true, i know he loves me and that's all that matters. thanks kalynn for helping me with that mindset.

"your right, love." he kisses my forehead. i grab my phone while he does the same. i decided to post a picture of weston laying on my stomach between my legs and jade on top of him.

- insert image -
my two loves <3
45 likes | | 2 comments
@wes10 when did u take this? i look freaking hot between ur legs !

i laugh and hit weston, "your such a nerd." he laughs, "what i do!" he defends himself. "my turn to post!"

-insert image-
look at my girls!! i'm a freakin lucky man!
672 likes | | 52 comments
@sophiamonroe damn jade and i r just so cute
- @wes10 so true !!!

"should we post on twitter?" i ask weston, "if you would want to." i smile and nod.

@sophmontoe || 5 secs ago
if u guys haven't saw my instagram post already, me and weston r yes together. i'm not sure if i'm back on social media yet, but i wanted to let everyone know:) love u all <333

@westonkoury || 3 secs ago
i'm dating a hot freaking lady !! no but yes, sophia and i are together we r really happy ty to everyone who respects our relationship : D

i look up a weston and kiss him softly. "i love you." i softly say, "i love you." i feel so happy. i cuddle both weston and jade and drift off to sleep again.


i woke up to the door wide opened and a warmth around me. weston was spooning me, and kalynn was in the kitchen making i believe a bagel? her usual. i groaned and rubbed my eyes. i grabbed my phone to see texts from the core five groupchat.

core five

aksel !!
guys i'm coming to texas next week, kalynn, weston, sophia r u guys ready or?

kalynn koury <3
yes! we haven't told sophia yet but we wanna leave in the next couple days.

sounds good to me!

"she's awake!" i hear kalynn say from the kitchen. i laugh and slip out of weston's grasp. "no, don't leave me." he mumbles. "i gotta get ready for the day, love." i kiss his forehead and leave the room, shutting the door so weston can fall back asleep peacefully.

"so texas in a couple days, ay?" i say sitting on one of the stools by the bar. "yes! man am i excited!" kalynn smiles, "me too! it's going to be a new adventure and i'm so ready for it." she claps. i smile.

i feel a pair of hands snake around my waist and a chin on my shoulder from behind me. i turn around and see a very tired, and sleepy weston. i put my hand on his cheek and frown, "baby you look so exhausted, please sleep." i kiss his cheek, hoping it would be more convincing.

"i would, but it's cold without you in it." he replies, i look at kalynn who's gagging. "don't get me wrong love that you two are a couple, but this lovey dovey shit isn't it." i laugh. "c'mon love." i say getting out of my chair. "you sure?" weston says, hardly hiding the fact he really wants to go back in there.

i nod, "goodnight again kalynn." i laugh. "night you two." she replies going back to eating her bagel. i lead weston back into the room and quietly shut the door. we lay in bed, weston laying on my stomach with his arms around my waist.

i wasn't tired until i got back into bed and had weston's warmth around me, i think i might pass out myself.

guys i didn't even think about this and i feel terrible ab it, but if weston ever does come out abt being uncomfortable with fanfics i will be deleting this, that's the last thing i would want. but yeah short little cute chapter :)

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