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// WE HIT 1K READS?! lol what i love u all sm, i should be ending this fanfic in the next couple chapters, buttttt i already have a new one planned that i am super excited for :DDD

we finally stepped off the plane after what seemed like forever, "did you sleep on the plane kalynn?" i ask. she shook her head, "wasn't really tired, you?" i nodded. we were at baggage claim waiting for connor to pick us up.

"where is this dude at?" weston says with a laugh, i shrugged and went on my phone and scrolled through my instagram comments.


randomuser1: u and weston are so cute!! so glad you two got together.

randomuser2: the way weston looks at sophia oh my god bye

randomuser3: they're truly meant for each other

randomuser4: you guys think their cute on instagram? check their twitter, it's so cute.

randomuser5: lol the comments where people r not remembering they are 19 and have a sex life hahaha

i decided to start answering some comments for the fun of it, i'm comfortable talking about our relationship and okay with whatever anyone has to say about us two.

randomuser6: how long have you two been together, i'm new here haha.
- sophiamonroe: about three to four months! :)

randomuser7: how did kalynn react? i mean her best friend dating her brother that has to sting.
- sophiamonroe: she reacted the way a best friend would, she's our number one supporter. <3

randomuser8: how do you two push past the hate? you guys get an awful amount, i couldn't imagine it on you two.
- sophiamonroe: well of course when our relationship got leaked that stinged, no one wants that to happen to them. but we push past the hate pretty easily, some hate gets to me but weston is always there to help me remember that he loves me and that there's nothing to worry about! :)

randomuser9: i wonder if it's for clout.
- sophiamonroe: definitely not for clout, lol. i am indeed in love with weston and would never fake a relationship for clout. guys don't forget that i've known weston for years, we've been friends forever i'd never use him for followers.

randomuser10: i see you guys use the word love a lot, so i'm guessing you both are in love?
- sophiamonroe: yes! <3

randomuser11: do you both put the same amount of effort into the relationship? love you both!
- sophiamonroe: of course! i've always been in a relationship where i was the only one putting in work, but with weston we both put the same amount of effort. it's not one sided at all. really grateful.

randomuser12: are you guys sharing a room in texas?
- sophiamonroe: mhm!

randomuser13: who loves who more?
- sophiamonroe: i definitely love @wes10 more :)
— wes10: not true

i looked up to weston already smirking down at me, "why lie to your fans?" i say to weston. "coming from you." i laugh and hit him playfully. he gives me a quick kiss on my head, "connor's here." kalynn says, we start walking to him.

"hey guys! welcome to texas!" connor said. "we've been to texas, connor. remember?" weston said laughing. "true, true. but you are now officially texans." i nodded, "he's right." weston laughed.

we walked out to connor's car, "okay i'm driving you guys to the dealership so you two can get cars?" connor said and we nodded. weston and i are sharing a car, and kalynn is getting her own car. easier for transport and weston and i planned on traveling around texas a bit, i wanted to go to houston and see it around there, as long with weston.

kalynn got in the front, weston and i in the back. we put our luggage in connor's trunk and started driving to the dealership. it wasn't that far from the airport, so that's good.

"well you guys have to show me your cars definitely sometime. text me!" connor said once we got our luggage out of his car. "for sure! thanks again." kalynn said. "anytime!" and he was off. "okay so what car were you two thinking?" kalynn asked weston and i. "jeep." we both responded in sync causing us two to freak out, making kalynn laugh at our stupidness.

"i'm getting one too, let's go inside and look." she responded laughing.


"okay perfect! here's your keys." the car dealer handed weston the keys, "and yours." then kalynn's. "thank you!" weston and kalynn responded and we walked out to our cars. weston and i chose this grey jeep, while kalynn chose a red one.

we packed up our cars, "you got the address right?" kalynn said. we nodded. "k see you at the house." we got in the car and looked around, "we got a good pick." weston said, "hell yeah." he smiled at me, "what?" i replied. "nothing, nothing. plug in the aux lets test this shit out!" he said and i laughed.

i plugged it in, "what playlist?" i said scrolling through my playlist. "can i hear the one you made about me?" he softly said. i smiled and nodded. the first song to play was heaven is you by joshua bassett, one of my favorite songs of his aslong with weston.

the song began and that's when weston and i both started to sing along,

"my parents told us when our time on earth was up,
that there's a place we would go if we were good.
some destination we could never get a taste of,
not as long as we're still living in this world.

but lately i've been questioning my faith,
just one look at you is all it really takes."

weston and i both exchanged looks, causing us both to blush.

"i always heard there was a heaven,
i never knew if it true.
but darlin ever since i met you
i know that heaven is you.
heaven is you
heaven is you."

weston and i kept making glances during the whole song, "i wish we had more alone time." i whispered. "me too." he put his hand on my thigh and rubbed his thumb up and down.

"maybe we can try going down to houston after we're a bit moved in? stay a couple days before aksel and hoover come down." he says. "i'd love that." i smiled at him.

we finally pulled into our house, "wow this is beautiful." i said getting out of the car. "it is!" kalynn said from behind. i went to the trunk and got my luggage out and walked into the house, i love it.

"here lemme show you our room." weston says leading the way. it was a bit further away from everyone's room so we got our own private little space.

"it's far from everyone's room." i said looking around. "perfect right?" he winked, i laughed and kissed him. "i love you, you crazy." i laugh. weston and i walked out to see kalynn sitting down in the middle of the living room. weston and i joined next to her.

"oh by the way, i think sophia and i are going to go to houston in two days just us two for a little trip for our selfs." weston said and kalynn nodded. "sounds good." once i laid down i didn't realize how exhausted i was.

i cuddled next to weston and decided to just close my eyes, "baby, do you wanna go set up the air mattress and go to sleep?" weston whispered, i nodded. "okay, we're gonna head to bed. night kalynn." i opened my eyes and got up. "goodnight." i said yawning. "night you two." she smiled.

weston and i went to our room and he started blowing up the air mattress we'd be using till our bed comes in. "it's ready." he said getting the one blanket we brought out of his suitcase.

"okay so the blanket a bit smaller then i thought." he awkward said fully pulling it out. i shrugged, "we can just huddle close together." i responded. i didn't care i just wanted sleep.

he nodded and we got into bed, he opened the blanket and i got close to him. i gave him a kiss on his neck, "goodnight i love you." he kissed my forehead, "goodnight i love you." and i drifted to sleep.

if u didn't see my note at the beginning i'm ending the book in three chapters :))))) but i'm making a new one that i'm excited for and completely different compared to this one <33

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