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( sorry for long time skip )

two weeks later

it's been two weeks since i've been staying at emma's and taking my mental break. i'm honestly feeling so much better and refreshed. i'm on my way to go back home and surprise weston and kalynn.

i'm still not ready to get social media back, and i also don't think i'm ready for a relationship just yet. but i guess we'll see what happens from here.

"and we're here. love you soph, so glad your doing better." emma said giving me a hug. "thanks em! i love you." i pulled away. "love you!" she said. i closed the door and went to the elevator. i'm hoping their home, it would be awkward if i just had to sit there and wait.

i made it to the door, i put the key in and walked in. i see their shoes here so their probably in their rooms. i decided to go to kalynn's room first, i walked in. she turned and her face dropped. "sophia!" she said and ran to me. i smiled and hugged her.

"i've missed you oh my god!" she said. "i miss you so much more." which was true, i missed her so much. "how are you?" she said after we pulled away. "so much better. not enough for social media but enough to be back home." i smiled. "good, good." she smiled back.

"i should go see weston." i said, feeling guilty for only seeing her for a short amount of time. "oh my, yes please. he would love to see this." she said, making my guilt go away. i smiled and walked to westons room.

i knocked, "come in." i walked in and weston was in bed. his eyes light up, he gets out of bed and runs to hug me. i giggle, he picks me up and i wrap my legs around him. "i've missed you, so much." he mumbles. "i've missed you, more then you could ever imagine." we held that position for a good five minutes, just glad to be back in each other's company.

he sets me back down on the ground, "how are you?" he says walking back to the end of his bed, me following. "much better. not enough for social media, but better." he smiles. "i'm glad." all i could do is hug him, i did miss him more then i thought.

"weston, i'm sorry." i say, muffled, choking back tears. "for what, soph?" he rubs my back, in a comforting way. "as much i as i want to be, it not ready for us to be in a relationship yet." i say. "soph, i wasn't expecting you to be. of course, i wish you were but what matters is when your ready. i'm here, whenever you are." he said.

i take a stuttered breath, "thank you." i say nearly whispering. "of course, you know i love you more then anything." my eyes widened, did he just say love? "i love you, too." i softly said. it is true, i do love this man.

"here, i'm going to watch adventure time in the living room. your more then welcome to join?" he said. is he just going to push this whole love thing to the side? or maybe we can talk more in depth with it when i'm ready? hm i don't know, i really don't feel like overthinking right now.

"yeah, sure. let me quickly unpack and i'll meet you back out there." i said, he nodded. i went to my room and unpacked. my bed was unmade, hm weird. kalynn walked into my room while i was unpacking.

"hey." she smiled sitting down on my bed. "hey, did you come in here or something? my bed was unmade  and i remembering having it made right before i left." i said. i won't be mad, i'm just confused. "uh no, but weston did for a couple nights." she said. i frowned, i cant believe i did all of this. "this is all my fault, i cant believe i did that to him." i'm so disappointed in myself.

"it's not your fault, soph. you needed a break, it happens. you cant blame yourself for taking a break. he understands, and he's with you every step of the way, same with me." kalynn said.  i smiled, "i don't know. i mean kalynn, i think i'm in love with him. its just i don't want to get back into the relationship and have something happen. i cant break him again, that's too much guilt." i say.

"soph, if your in love with him then nothing else matters. i know for a fact he's in love with you too, and he would do anything to make sure your okay and safe. even if that means having to take another break again, and i know you don't have twitter but weston has been defending you every single day. anytime anyone would say any negative comment about you, he would fight back. don't feel guilty for having to take care off yourself, soph. you matter just as much as anybody else does, you need to start worrying about yourself more then others. you are just as valid as anyone else." i smiled, kalynn really knows how to help me.

"i am in love with him, and he does make me feel safe. he did that for me on twitter?" i look at her. she nods, "everyday. until the hate stopped, we had people from the fandom standing up for you too. your not hated, your so loved. of course there will be some haters, but that's just how it is being well known, as sad it is to say that but it's true. but all that matters is that your perfect and no matter what anyone says nothing can change that." i got to hug her.

"thank you kalynn, i love you so much." i say. "i should talk to weston, let him know everything." she nods. "i love you." she walks out and goes to her room. i take a deep breath and walk out to the living room.

weston looks up and gives me a comforting smile. "hey, can we talk again?" i say. weston nods and pauses the show. he pats seat next to him. we both sit facing each other.

"weston, i think i'm in love with you. and i'd do anything to be yours again, but before we do that i just want to let you know i'm sorry for leaving you in the first place. i had so much self doubt that it took over my life, all my thoughts were that i wasn't good enough and that i should back away from you, that you'd be better off without me. but now i know, i love you." i say. i finally expressed it, my feelings. and i wasn't nervous while doing it, i felt refreshed and i loved it.

"sophia, i love you so much. so so much. don't apologize for taking time for yourself, you deserve to have that, don't feel like you need to apologize for anything. i'm sorry that you had those thoughts, i really am you don't deserve that. i love you so much, sophia. whenever those thoughts reappear, i'm here. i'm here to comfort you, i'm here to push those thoughts away. but you are good enough, your the only one for me. i'm so convinced your my soulmate." he said.

i just pulled him in for a kiss, i'm so glad we can finally talk about this. all the weight lift off my shoulders. "i love you." i say again. "i love you." weston says. "and i love you!!!" i hear kalynn said before she jumps on us.

i laugh, i'm so glad to be back.

guys i'm sorry if the conflict was too short, i'm not a huge conflict person haha i'm not good at it. but the rest of the book will be normal and stuff like that. love u all<3333

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