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weston and i were still in bed before kalynn, schlatt, and connor barged into the room. "okay love birds, let's hit the freakin arcade!" connor says. i turned around and before i knew it weston got up and ran out of the room, i laughed.

everyone left the room except kalynn, she was waiting for me. "let's go!!" she said, i smiled. i got up and her and i walked out. all the boys were already piled up in the car. connor and schlatt in the front, leaving me, weston, and kalynn. "you get middle." kalynn said, i nodded.

weston got it in, then me, then kalynn. connor turned the car on and weston grabbed my hand. i smiled, "ready for the arcade?" he said. i nodded, excitedly.

*** skip to the arcade bc i'm lazy i'm sorry lol

we finally made it to the arcade, texas traffic was annoying and they had so many red lights so it made the trip there 10x longer. weston held on to my hand the entire way down here, and from the looks of it i don't think he's going to let go.

"i'm going to beat all your asses!!" weston said, "mhm, sure you are. are you ready for your own girlfriend to beat you at literally every single game we play?" i challenged, i'm a god at arcade games. as a kid that was my go to place to hang out with anybody, i loved arcades.

"sure, sure." weston laughed. we all got out of the car and walked into the arcade, holy shit it was cool. i haven't been to an arcade in forever, i am so excited. weston saw the excitement in my face and gave my hand a slight squeeze. i looked up and gave him a quick peck.

"okay guys here's your tickets, what games are we going for first?" schlatt said, i pointed at the air hockey. weston laughed, "hell yeah!" we all went down there, "schlatt, and connor go first, then weston and sophia, then those two winners go, then whoever wins go against kalynn?" connor suggested. we all agreed.

while schlatt and connor did the air hockey i decided to tweet on twitter.

@sophmontoe || 3 secs ago
guys pls vote that i'll win against weston in air hockey, like we all know i'm the best, cmon. pls, pls.
@westonkoury || 2 secs ago
u wish, ur literally about to eat shit bc i'm just that good
@connoreatspants || 1 secs ago
i am betting sophia will win, i mean she is superior
@kalynnkoury || 1 secs ago
yes my bestie sophia will win !!!

"you know fuck you all!" weston said, i laughed. "sorry love, i can't help that i'm just so good." i said. he held my hand again, "we'll see baby, we will see." he kissed me.

"damn it!" schlatt yelled, we looked up to connor doing his victory dance. "you ready to lose?" i said to weston, "sure." he laughed.

we were on our last round and of course, i was winning. there was no way he will beat me. i finally won, "see babe! i told you i'd win!" it was my turn to do my victory dance. "damn it!" weston said, "sorry baby, maybe your win next time." i winked. he rolled his eyes and he walked back to his spot.

"you ready to lose, connor?" i rubbed my hands together, a sudden burst of confidence. "if i'm being honest i genuinely am scared." we all laughed.

- -

"yes!!! i am a champion!! i beat you all!!" i say doing my awesome victory dance, i had just beat kalynn meaning i had just won the entire air hockey game. weston came up to me and gave me a huge hug, towards the end of the game weston lost his sore loser attitude and starting rooting for his girlfriend.

"baby!! you won!! a proud boyfriend i am!!" he says letting me down and peppering my face with kisses all over, he finally placed a sweet kiss on my lips. "shit guys, it's been like 40 minutes. the arcade closes soon, we should get going." connor says. i frown, "just one short arcade game, it's literally right there." i point. it's a one of those claw grab games that waste your money but their fun so i do them anyways.

connor nods and we walk over there, "i know this is a waste of money but i don't care." i say. weston laughs. i put my money in the hole and i put my concentrated face on, i really wanna win one. i mean i waste my money on these things all the time.

i almost got one but then it dropped right before it could go in the hole, "ugh fuck off." i sigh. i wasn't going to waste time and money on this. "okay let's go." i say, i looked around to see connor taking a picture of weston pointing at this random arcade game.

"handsome, handsome." i say walking up to them. "stop it! your going to make me blush." weston says, i laugh. he walks over to kiss me, i smile. "you guys ready?" connor says. everyone nods tiredly, especially me. my plane tiredness had finally hit and i was ready to crash.

we all got huddled in the car, i was in the middle again but i was just really close to weston, we were scrolling through twitter together on my phone. until i got tagged into something, i always checked tagged to see cute little fanart and stuff like that. i'm not really popular so i love getting those little things.

@weskouryluvr || 20 mins ago
*insert image*
guys!!! look at @westonkoury and @sophmontoe kissing?!? r they together? bc ngl i don't ship, i think it's gross, weston can do better.

my breath hitches at the picture, it was indeed a picture of weston and i sharing a kiss. i quickly looked at the replies and saw a lot of comments about how i looked, and how weston could do so much better.

weston saw my face and saw how i was getting really upset about these comments, and i was. weston honestly could do better then me, and i hope he doesn't receive hate about us because that we're together. he doesn't deserve that, and i don't wanna be the main point he gets the hate.

"hey, baby. it's okay, i cant do better i promise your so much better then what they say you are. they don't know you how i do, okay? don't let these disgusting ass people get in the way of your beauty, okay? i like you and that's all that matters." weston said, pulling me close. i just nodded, not really listening to the words he had just said.

i mean, how could one person be so cruel? to first take a picture of us, invading our privacy. and second saying those nasty comments about me. i mean yes, their true. weston can do better, and i'm just getting in the way of things. i should stop getting in his way.


hey guys, hope u guys like this chapter. i'm going to introduce some conflict soon YAY !! also pls pls never do this to anybody, don't take a picture of anyone without their permission and don't post it anywhere either. it's such an invasion of privacy, it's gross. and also pls don't judge the way people look just bc ur favorite cc has a significant other, let people be happy. ty <3

i might write my new chapter tonight or tmr depends on my motivation, love u all <3

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