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i woke up from my nap completely forgetting what happened earlier, until i saw texts from weston. all of it came back to me and i quickly became upset again.

weston koury

weston koury
hey, soph. i'm sorry about saying u were just a hook up, i didn't know how to explain to kalynn what happened. i mean of course ur not just a hook up, i mean yeah we kissed if kalynn didn't interrupt idk what would've happened, all i know is ur not just a hook up to me and i regret nothing that happened today.

what do i even say to that? like oh i love you so much, be mine forever. like i can't do that, he probably thinks i'm dramatic but i've never been in a healthy stable relationship before, i just want something like that.

i also can't just leave him on read, i gotta say something.

i'm not upset, i understand u had to do what u had to do. i was just feeling a bit under the weather. if u want me to be just a hook up, then we can be just a hook up. i don't regret anything either.

weston koury
i don't want you to be just a hook up, i just want you. what can u not understand from that?

just come to my room, this isn't something we can just discuss over text especially since we live together.

i can't really process what weston had just told me, he wanted me? wanted me in what way? there's so many things he could be thinking of, he may just want my body. it's nothing i could be thinking of, right?

i looked at the time 8:02pm i slept a while. i heard a knock on the door to break my train of thought, "come in." i prepared myself for the worst. weston opened the door and quietly came in, kalynn must be sleeping on the couch. she always falls asleep there.

"hey." he said, moving his hair out of his face. he was wearing his glasses, he always looked so cute in his glasses. fuck, sophia stop. "hi." i sat up and went criss-cross applesauce on my bed. weston was just standing by the doorway so i patted the seat next to me, he smiled slightly.

he sat down, "okay-" i was starting before he cut me off. "no sophia, your not just a hook up and i know that you overthink and think you are just a hook up to me but your not. we may have almost hooked up but that doesn't mean i just wanted your body, i've always liked you. i've liked you since we lived in north carolina, i've liked you when you gave me the idea to be a younow, musically influenced person, i've liked you for so long now. i promise your not just a hook up." weston said taking a deep breath.

i was to shocked to say anything, have i really been this clueless all along? kalynn's always pointed out tiny things weston does for me, but i've been so blind this entire time that she was giving me the hints like he liked me. i mean do i even think i'm mentally prepared for a relationship? when it comes to weston, i feel like i am. he knows everything about me, he knows i overthink and what i'm overthinking about.

"say something, please." weston said fidgeting a bit with my fingers. "weston, i like you too. it's always been you." i said, weston looked at me and then my lips, then back to my eyes. i knew he was asking for permission so i nodded. he kissed me, not like yesterday all roughly. it was sweet and tender, filled with love. like he was telling me through the kiss, that everything would be okay.

we pulled away and weston had my hand in his. his thumb rubbing my hand. "what does this mean, for us?" i hesitated to ask. "what ever you want it to be. i want you to feel comfortable and safe. if you wanna take it slow, we'll take it slow. if you wanna just jump into something, we can do that. i'm okay with whatever your okay with." he smiled. i loved how much he truly cared.

"how about we take it slow? no labels just yet, we can kiss and stuff like that. but nothing to far, if that's okay?" i said, weston squeezed my hand in reassurance. "i'm okay with that." he smiled. i kissed him, softly. i felt him smile into the kiss. i pulled away, "you wanna cuddle to sleep?" i said. he nodded.

we laid down and weston pulled me towards him, we both cuddled and he drifted to sleep pretty quickly. i'm so glad we talked through this all, and that he respects my boundaries.

what do i tell kalynn? all her friends always use her to get to weston, and i don't want her to think that's what i did. i love kalynn with everything in me. she's the best thing to happen to me.

what does this whole love thing have to be to difficult? there's always something that gets in the way.

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