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"okay here's your room, i'm sorry it's not really decorative. no one usually stays here." emma laughs. the room was perfectly fine, all i need is a bed and i'm good to go. "no your fine! i'm good with just a bed." i smiled, slightly.

i let emma know what was going on and she said she'll leave me alone and stuff which i'm glad, i just need some space, i'm glad she gets it. "well i'm going to make some food, want some?" she said. "just a tiny bit, please. thank you." she nodded and walked out.

i automatically got in bed, the place i'll be spending for a while. i had a tv so i'm glad i could put some shows on, i was going to watch adventure time but that was weston and i's show. i cant watch my comfort show because it reminds me of him.

i just kept the tv off for now, i checked my phone. 8:00pm wow, time has went by fast. i decided i didn't wanna eat tonight, i mean i'm not really hungry anyways. i texted emma and let her know that i didn't want anything anymore, she said if i do decided to eat she put away a plate for me.

next thing i knew i got a message, from weston,

weston koury <33

weston koury <33
hey soph, i'm sorry i didn't say goodbye. if i'm being honest i didn't hear u leave, kalynn told me. just know i care for u, and i'm here for u whenever. i know that when ur get into moment like these u tend to distance yourself from everything, but pls remember to eat and take care of ur body. okay? uh yeah.

it's okay, haha. dw i will eat and take care of my body. i'll see u in no time. :)

i sighed and turned my phone off for the night. i'm glad he cares and isn't mad at me for all of this. i just wish i wasn't so stupid, i cant believe i left him and broke his heart. i did that, how fucking selfish could i be? why couldn't i had been enough?

i decided to put on my heartbreak playlist that i made months ago, before i even would've imagined weston and i together. i never thought that i'd have a boyfriend to be heartbroken to, so i used the playlist to act heartbroken. but little did past me know, you would never really wanna be heartbroken.

the first song to play was heartbreak anniversary by giveon, i loved this song. i started to sing along to the song, and let my tears roll down my face. i finally get to let it all out, every single tear that i've made stay in my body gets let out. right here, right now.

my entire playlist was just rolling through, me singing along, and letting my tears out. i'm pretty sure emma thinks i'm fucking crazy. but it feels so good to let it all out.

i checked the time 11:30pm, damn all of that really let the time pass by. i cant tell if that was healthy or not? i don't know. i laid down and went to bed, not even knowing that this will be my new routine every night.

sorry guys these next chapters may be a bit short. i also wanted to give u guys a little message. ur emotions are valid, don't ever feel like u shouldn't let ur emotions out. it's healthy to cry it out, love u all <3 hope u enjoy these next chapters

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