Chapter Twenty Seven

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Jasrah's POV
"Look who we have here". Yasmeen said with a smirk.
"What are you doing here?" I asked sending daggers her ways.
Making her chuckle a bit. "I came to see Hassan of course, what else would i be doing here?"
A sharp pain went directly to my heart. Thoughts running wildly through my mind. "Since when has this been going on?" "Does she always come to see Hassan?" " Are they closer than how i think?"
I couldn't stop the thoughts which was making my blood boil.

"Seems like he's busy. I'll wait for him then since cat has got your tongue". She sat on the sofa as comfortable as one could ever be.
"The audacity. How dare she come see my husband when it has nothing to do with business?" I walked up to her, grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards the door.
"Leave!" I said, fury evident in my eyes.
She yanked her hand away, with eyes bloodshot.
"How dare you touch me you lousy low life?" She yelled, gritting her teeth.

"How dare you come to my husband's office?"

"Pfttt, husband?. Ohhh please spare me that crap you gold digger. Hassan was better off with me till you and your family charmed him. Family of witches". Her anger was escalating.

"One more word and I'll let you know where on your body my fist is going to land". I fought back, not giving her a chance to find even a slight weakness of mine. I was just as tough as she thought she was.

"I said leave my husband's office!" 
With that she stormed out not without sending me a death glare.
"How dare she!? Hassan surely has alot of explaining to do? What is he hiding?"  I thought.
I wasn't going to wait for him again so i stood up and left the office as well.

On my way back to the hotel, i was still fuming with rage. "What did she mean by he was better off with her?" I thought.
My heart ached, i was on the verge of crying but i pushed back the tears.
I didn't know why i was feeling this much hurt. I couldn't point my finger at what i was feeling at the moment but it was not ordinary.

"Do i have feelings for Hassan?" I asked myself and gasped as realization hit me.
The jealousy, the hurt, the butterflies in my tummy, the racing heartbeat. They had to just mean something. I did have feelings for Hassan.
I felt the wetness on my face and realized i was crying.

I got into our suite and headed to the balcony. Some fresh air and alone time was what i really needed.
My phone vibrated in my hand and Hassan was displayed on the caller ID but I ignored the call. It was the fifth time he was calling and i wasn't going to pick up. I settled myself in a chair and let out a sigh.

Hassan's POV
The business deal was signed and i was very much ecstatic. Though the client wasn't really pleased due to my lack of focus. I was being distracted with the thoughts of Jasrah all through the meeting but alhamdulillah, i still secured the partnership with him.

I was walking towards my office with my PA, Agatha following suite behind. I was so eager to have breakfast with Jasrah.
Upon reaching the office, she was nowhere in sight.
"Where could she have gone?" I wondered, scratching the nape of my neck.
"Go and ask the secretary about my wife's whereabouts". I told Agatha who hurried out of the office.
I dialed Jasrah's number and it went unanswered.
"Why isn't she picking?" I decided to go speak to the secretary myself. I saw Agatha coming towards my office.

"Sir she left not long ago". She said.
"Where did she go to?"
"I'm sorry sir. She didn't say".
"Oh God...". I got my briefcase and headed out of the office.

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