Chapter Thirty

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Jasrah's POV
Hassan has been on the phone with either Amaya or Mom and sometimes the doctor.
Turned out Dad's high blood pressure shot up and according to the doctor. It could have led to stroke if he wasn't to treated quickly.

Hassan got off the phone and walked silently to his room. He looked so pale, looking at him was so devastating that my heart dropped.

Due to the weather that got stormy, we couldn't leave for home today so we decided to wait till the next day.

He had no one except me and i couldn't think of leaving him alone. Walking towards his room, i knocked lightly on the door and got in.
That was the first time I had a complete view of the room. It was similar to mine but much manly and neutral.

Hassan was sitted by the edge of the bed, his head bent unaware of my presence I'd presume.

"Hassan are you okay?" 

He looked up at me and smiled lightly then gave me a nod.
The whole scenario was devastating. We were still in the clothes we went out with, not having the strength to change. And what's much more important was to be there for each other.

"Come on. You need to adjust your position. Your neck is gonna hurt".
I said to which he did.
He got his back relaxing against the headboard of the bed.

I got on top of the bed and sat beside him.
"He's going to be fine in sha Allah".
Placing my hand in his, and giving him a reassuring look which earned me a lingering kiss on my forehead before he laid his head on my shoulder.

From the sound of his heavy breathing, i knew he was sleeping. I was tired as well so I tried as much as possible to loosen myself from his grip and go to my room but his grib got tighter.
"Stay please". He said and got himself much more comfortable.
He looked so peaceful, I couldn't help but smile and also got myself comfortable. Drifting in to slumber.

I opened my eyes and let out a long yawn. I was feeling so stressed out, grabbing my phone to check the time. It displayed 7:15am which got me shocked. Alot of events really did happen yesterday and we lost track of time due to stress. I didn't wake up in time for Fajr(morning prayer).

I tried to get out of bed but I felt a weight on me other than the duvet. Hassan was clinging to me so tightly that I couldn't tell if he was intentionally doing it or was asleep.
His eyes weren't shaking, his breathing was normal.
He looked so cute that I couldn't help but move my face closer to his, running my index finger on his nicely shaped brows.
"Guys and fine brows that they don't really need". I thought.

I moved closer and placed a kiss on his forehead before loosening myself from his grip.

Just immediately i got up and stretched, i was grabbed on the wrist and pulled. I lost balance and landed on Hassan's hard masculine body.


"Morning baby". Hassan said with a husky voice and a smile that made my body wobble.

"Morning". I managed to say, I felt heat yet again erupting in my body as we were against each other.
"I need to get up and pray. Can you loosen your hold?"

"No baby".

"Why?" I pouted.

"Not until you give me a kiss again and not on the forehead". He sounded like a child, raising his brows.

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