Chapter Thirty Three

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Hassan's POV
"Your wife is four weeks pregnant". Were the only words that were ringing in my head. I was so overwhelmed with joy for this amazing gift from God.

We were on our way home from the hospital. Jasrah was sleeping peacefully in the passengers' seat.
I turned to look at her and had this sudden burst of emotions. I felt so blessed to have this cute munchkin as my wife and she was going to give me another cute munchkin.

I raised her hand and kissed her knuckles which made her stir a little bit.

We arrived home minutes later and Jasrah was still asleep. I got out of the car and got to her side. I opened the door and picked her up bridal style.
"My wife won't walk today". I said to myself with a cheeky smile.
Just as i got into the sitting room, her eyes fluttered open and she let out a little yawn before speaking.

"Baby you know I can walk yeah?"

"I know baby but I'll be your servant today. So your royal highness, keep quiet". I chuckled.

She looked at me with amusement as I dropped her on the sofa.
"You telling your master to keep quiet?" She was grinning widely. Of course she was going to derive joy in this.

"What would you and my child like to eat?". I asked.

"Pasta is fine. I'll go prepare it". She got up but I wasn't going to let her do any work today.

"Hey where do you think you are going?"

"To the kitchen of course".

"Ohhh no you're not. You won't do anything today. Sit down and watch while i get it for you".
I wasn't going to be defeated with argument today.

"You are going to cook? Please just ask Humaira to prepare it". She was laughing so much.

"Ouch you think I'm bad at cooking?" I feigned hurt and she nodded a 'yes'.
"I'll prove you wrong. Wait and see".

I got to the kitchen and unleashed my cooking skills. Humaira offered to help but i dismissed her. In less than an hour i was done preparing the pasta and returned to the sitting room just to find Jasrah sleeping again.
"This woman". I shook my head.

I lightly tapped her on the shoulder to wake her up.

She looked up at me then her gaze fell to the pasta, shock was all over her face.

"Baby how many hidden talents do you have?" She was amused.

"Alot my darling". I brushed off my shoulders.

"Mmm it tastes so amazing. Thank you baby". She moved closer to me and left a peck on my cheek.
She fed me a spoonful and got done with it in no time.

"We are having dinner with the family today. We'll be leaving by 7pm. Mom wants to meet you so badly". I informed her which made her ecstatic.

Jasrah's POV
I was in my room getting ready to go meet the family. My joy today was beyond bounds. I was so happy with the thought of being a mother. A mother to Hassan's child. I placed my hand on my tummy.
This is like one of the best gift I can ever give him. Then i remembered the wristwatch I got him which was in my purse.

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