Chapter Fourteen

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Hassan's POV
Driving home from work. I was feeling restless for a reason i couldn't place a finger on. Having no plans of going home because of the number of relatives back there.
The only option was deciding to head to Farouq's place. I dialed his number putting him on speaker. "Sup man". Farouq said just as he picked up.
"You home? I've got no plans of going home now. You know the current situation there".
"Sorry man, I'm out with Aisha. Amaya is out with Jasrah and the ladies yknow. And this pestering child wanted an ice cream ". Farouq sighed. I could hear Aisha giggle joyfully in the background.
"I could send you the address if you need an ice cream as well".
He surely was teasing me.
"Screw you man, I'm gonna have to skip that. Later". I steered taking another route having nowhere to go in mind.
"Later". He said and the line went dead.
Heaving a defeated sigh and rubbing my right temple, i decided to just head home and face the inconvenience.
The restless feeling was back but this time with the thought of Jasrah. It was very unusual but i let myself.
"Jasrah". For the first time in forever, i was deeply thinking about her making the restlessness increase. Recalling Farouq's statement. She was out with Amaya. There and then i got the urge to see her.
Dialing Amaya's number, she picked up after the third ring.
"Hey bro".
Her voice being all chippy with the voices of other ladies filling up the background.
"Hey. So you still out?". As dumb as it may seem for asking, i still did.
"Yeah bro. What's up? Are you missing your soon to be Mrs?". She teased and i could imagine her wiggling her eyebrows.
"Cut it off". Actually making me to chuckle.
"We are kinda planning on leaving anytime soon. It's getting late".
"Is the driver there?". I inquired.
"Actually, i asked him to leave hours ago, Rukayya is dropping us home". She said.
"Why don't i come pick you two up? I have nothing to do actually". I said scratching the nape of my neck.
Amaya let out a chuckle. "Ohhhhh bro, you really still don't like crowd aye? I'll send you the address right away".
A message from her with the address popped up immediately the line went off. It wasn't far from where i was, feeling a bit energetic. I sped off to the location. Odd but in a confusing way.

I arrived there at exactly 7pm and called up Amaya letting her know i was waiting.
Minutes later i saw a familiar petite figure approaching where I was parked with slow nervous steps. She stopped right in front of my car. Getting quite a view of her i stepped out, her head was bent without sparing me a glance or even saying a word.
I was lost looking at her. She looked beautiful leaving me mesmerized. Taking in her appearance, i breathed a 'ma sha Allah' (God has willed it) which i hope she didn't hear.
Realizing i put her in an uncomfortable position with my stares. I cleared my throat and diverted my gaze.
"Where is Amaya?".
"She left with Rukayya". Raising her head to give me an answer.
I got a better view of her face. Beautiful was an understatement wallah. I went out of words but tried to compose myself.
Thinking of it. Amaya really planned all this.
"Nice move Amaya". I thought.
"What?". I heard her ask.
"Nothing, let's go. It's getting late". Realizing i thought out loud i managed to put up a straight face. Something about her felt off.
She wasn't trying to start up a conversation or even annoy me.
Her eyes were fixated outside, fidgeting with her fingers. She looked worried and i began to understand why. We would be married a day after tomorrow and that's much to take in even for me. Not knowing anything about each other, we were hardly friends.
I decided to get rid of the atmosphere and started a conversation.
"So how was your day? You had fun?".
She gave me a long stare which seemed like she was trying to point out something before she spoke up.
"It was great really. Wasn't expecting any of it. More of a surprise".
I saw the way she lit up in seconds and it was soothing.
"And what was the surprise if i may ask?". Curiosity getting the better of me.
She gave me a puzzled look. "Wait you don't know? Amaya didn't mention any of her plans to you or something?". She asked.
"Nope she didn't tell me anything. So tell me".
"Well it was a bridal shower which she set up". She was bubbly making it obvious that she loved it.
"Mmm a bridal shower?". My question making her joy subside and turn into an uncomfortable smile.
"At a beauty parlor?". I kept up the conversation.
"Yeah they all planned to include a little twist to it as an opportunity to get a spa and henna since i didn't plan on having any". She said shyly.
That was when i actually noticed the beautifully drawn henna all over her hands. It was breathtaking, i never actually fancied it but the sight of it on her was different and i had to admit, it was amazing.
"It's beautiful". I admitted, my eyes fixed on the road but i could see her smile.
"Thank you". She said.

We arrived just immediately the adhan(call to prayer) for Isha was being called. I agreed to pray at her place before leaving because she insisted.
I heard a gasp as we got in and our attention diverted to the voice. It was Asiya just by the near end of the stairs with a wide grin plastered on her face. As much as she irked me, i tried to hide it.
"Wow what a surprise. You are so welcome, please sit down". She was now beside me flashing me a smile. This girl doesn't just get the message that i don't like her and to top it all, her sister is going to be my wife.
Jasrah stood there annoyance spreading all over her face but kept mum. I gave her a lost look hoping she'll get me out of this situation but instead she shrugged before heading upstairs. Traitor much.

"Where is the restroom?". Having no other option but to ask Asiya.
"Follow me". I trailed behind her till we stopped by a door. Much to my surprise, she was still there looking at me with hungry eyes.
"Can you excuse me?". She feigned a hurt look.
"Shameless". I muttered.
She huffed before walking away making me release a breath i did know i was holding.
I performed wudhu and returned back to the living room where i found Jasrah spreading the prayer mat.
"Thank you". I said as she walked off.
Minutes later i was done and ready to leave but no one was in sight. Slumping on the nearest couch, i heard footsteps just before i could get comfortable.
Jasrah came into view and i got up.
"Well I'm heading home. Goodnight".
She gave a slight nod with a smile before leading me outside. I actually got quite a number of her smiles today which was nice.
"Goodnight. My regards to Mom".
"Sure thing". With that, i got into the car and drove off.

Pheww 🤧. I'm not doing again 😩😩😩💔💔. My brain is tayad 😭
Please drop your comments on this chapter. Seems Jasrah is loosening up to Hassan yeah?😂
I dunno sha. Let's see how it'll go.
Jasrah and Asiya should really back off 😤😤. I think i need Hassan to myself 😂❤️

Sha please
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