Chapter Seventeen

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Jasrah's POV
I woke up the next morning. Looking at the strange environment, for a second i forgot i just got married yesterday.
I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Indeed it was beautiful and spacious, everything in place from toiletries to robes and towels. I had a nice relaxing shower and was now sitting in front of my vanity table. Makeup isn't my thing so i quickly lined my eyes and put a matte powder which really looked good on my skin.
I wore an ankara sewn into a beautiful gown. I had to admit, i looked pretty that i got lost admiring my look until i heard a slight knock on the door. Thinking it was Hassan i grabbed a veil from the closet and covered my hair but to my surprise i saw an unfamiliar face with a shy smile plastered on her face. She seemed genuine and welcoming but i was lost.
"Good Morning ma'am. Breakfast is ready. Sir asked me to call you". She said.
"Sorry, who are you?". I had to ask.
"I'm the new maid ma'am. Sir's mom sent me to be of assistance to you". She answered courtly.
"What's your name?".
"Humaira ma'am". She seemed like a nice person but I wasn't comfortable with the way she was addressing me.
"Jasrah is fine. Call me Jasrah". I said.
A shocked expression appearing on her face.
"But ma'am, um Jasrah. Sir wouldn't like it". She quickly changed it with a stammer seeing the look i gave her.
"No buts Humaira. It's fine. I call you by your name, why won't you call me with mine?". I tried convincing her.
She was about to speak up when i cut her off.
"I'll handle your boss. Let's go".
She gave up and guided me downstairs to a large beautiful room. I was taking in the beauty of the place, i had no idea Hassan was sitted there.
"It's about time". I heard him say.
He was focused on whatever he was doing with his phone. Not sparing me a glance.
"Good Morning". I said and took sit.
"Morning, you slept well?". His eyes were still fixed on his phone.
"Yeah alhamdulillah".
"Okay bismilliah, eat". He said which seemed more like an order. I was starving so I had no time nor energy to make a remark. I dug in the waffles i placed on my plate with a hot chocolate.
I was half way done when i noticed Hassan wasn't eating.
"Won't you eat?". I inquired.
"I've eaten already. Just eat and pretend I'm not here". He ordered. I couldn't help but let out scoff.
"What was that?". He asked, sending daggers my way. I kept mum and ignored him, gulping my hot chocolate.
Humaira surely needs to tell me the secret behind her own method of preparing this meal.
I was savoring the sweetness, forgetting that Hassan was still sending me daggers. I looked at him from the corner of my eyes. "What?".
"Can you at least eat slowly?". Disgust all over his face.
Just as I was about to give a befitting reply. I choked and began to gasp for air.
Hassan rushed and poured me a glass of water, rubbing my back as i gulped down the water.
The feeling was odd and weird. I wanted to move away from his touch but it would get much more awkward.
"I'm fine". I said in between breaths.
"Learn to eat slowly". Annoyance not leaving his face though i sensed a hint of fright and worry. He strolled out of the dining room to God knows where. I still knew nowhere in this large mansion.
Humaira was nowhere in sight when i got done. I decided to look for the kitchen myself.
After minutes of walking about, past doors. My eyes caught a door far from other doors i passed. Coming to a conclusion that it was the kitchen. I turned the door nob and got in. I looked around and it in nowhere looked like a kitchen. Much more of an office, the room was painted with dark colors. It felt cold in a way.
Realizing i was still standing there, i turned on my heels and proceeded to the door before Hassan sees me in here.
"What are you doing in here?". Too late. I heard his voice from behind me.
'Wait has he been sitting in here?'. I thought.
"Well i was looking for the kitchen to drop the the dishes". I said in one breath.
"Mmm where is the new maid?". He looked like he was trying to remember her name.
"Humaira". I said.
"Yeah, whatever. Where is she?".
"I have no idea. She was nowhere in sight when i was done".
"And you couldn't press the intercom?". He asked with a raised brow.
"Intercom?". Being lost as ever.
"Yes, there are intercoms in every room for your kind information. That would summon the maids".
'Ohh' was my only reply cus i was dumb struck.
Hassan heaved a sigh, rubbing his face.
"Let's go". He said.
"To where?".
"The kitchen of course. And your tour starts now. I don't have much time to waste so hurry up". He stated dryly.
I followed suit behind him. Reaching the dining room again. There was a door at a corner by the left.
Lo and behold, it was a kitchen. Rephrase that, it was a freaking ginormous beautiful kitchen. I fell in love with it right that instant. I always had a thing for kitchens but didn't get the chance to work in one quite much. This particular one screamed 'glory'. I had no idea i was lost till i saw fingers being snapped in front of my face.
"Stop drooling and drop the dishes. There's alot you are going to get used to". Typical Hassan, he lacked joy in so many ways.
After minutes of walking round the house. I retired to my room, sprawling myself on the comfy bed.
Strolling every room room in this house sure was tiring. I dunno if I'll ever get used to it as Hassan said, the rooms were just so many.
Starting from the sitting room downstairs to the one upstairs to rooms that i didn't know existed.
A theater, an indoor recreational room and gym, library, office which i walked into earlier and alot more rooms.
A swimming pool area at the backyard. Everything was truly mesmerizing.

Since after the tour. I didn't set my eyes on Hassan. I had my lunch alone.
I asked Humaira where he was when she was setting the table.
"I'm sorry Jasrah but i have no idea. I saw him heading out though". Was her reply.
"Okay no problem. Thanks". I began to lose my appetite, he went out without a notice. Who does that? A newly married man for that matter?
What would people think?
The thoughts were getting to anger me so i left the food halfway and retired to my room.
I was pained beyond words. Was this how i was going to continue living my whole life? Not having a say on whatever i may experience?
Tears escaping my eyes as they kept cascading down my face. The loneliness i was feeling was different.

I still had no appetite so i forfeited dinner. Hassan was still not back. I was laid on my back staring at the ceiling, feeling drained till i welcomed darkness.

Pheww 🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️please i can't talk 😂💔
Love y'all
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