Chapter Twenty One

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Jasrah's POV
I was in a lilac silk gown with a black veil. I was sitted in front of my vanity table getting ready to leave for our trip or as Amaya tags it "our honeymoon". I feel like puking to that.

I was feeling much better and strong. The joy i was feeling contributed to my speedy recovery. I applied the little makeup i had knowledge on and wrapped my veil securely.
I took a few selfies and uploaded one of the best on my Instagram page.
In a short period of time, I got quite the number of followers being that i am the great Hassan Omar's wife, the workaholic. People really know how to be nosy atimes.
Slipping my phone into my purse, i headed downstairs. Hassan must be waiting for me. Making me laugh at the thought in my head, imagining how vexed he'll be looking.
He really should start getting used to me taking time to get ready. I'm a lady for Pete's sake.

I met him working on his laptop in the sitting room. He tilted his head as he noticed my presence with a calm aura surrounding him.
His face softened instead of being mad or upset for wasting time. It was odd but it made me relax a bit.
"Let's get going". He rounded up and we were walking to the parking lot where the driver was waiting with our luggages already in the trunk.
We arrived at the airport and approached and airplane at a far distance from the one people were boarding.
It was a bit confusing but what did i know. I shrugged and followed him till we reached.
One of the air hostess greeted us. "Good day Mr and Mrs Hassan. I hope you have a nice trip". She smiled widely.
"Thank you Veronica". Hassan said and i gave her a smile.
"Is this a private jet?". I asked as he led me up the stairs.
"Pretty much". He replied.
There are alot i don't know about this man.
He freaking has a private jet. It was looking all snazzy and cozy.
They were two chairs facing each other by the left and right side with a table in between them. A long sofa opposite a large LED TV. It felt like a home on its own. I was entirely awestruck.
Hassan took one of the seat opposite from me by the right, bringing out his laptop. Just as i suspected, work work work.
We both buckled our seat belts, mind our businesses. He was focused on work and I was focused on my phone.
I got alot of likes and comment, the comments were exciting but there was a single hate comment which was disturbing.
"Enjoy what you've got while it lasts. It won't be for long". From a user simply yasmeen.
It was a private account so i couldn't see her pictures or anything related to her so i chose to ignore and relax.
I got up and approached the long sofa, getting comfortable.
"You know, there is a bed inside if you want to sleep". He said pointing towards a door.
"I'm okay here. Thanks". He gave me a sly smile with a nod before getting back to whatever he was doing.

There was a movie playing which actually got my attention entirely forgetting about Hassan's existence.
It ended and a new one started showing. I was halfway through, not being able to complete it because of the exhaustion I was feeling. I let darkness consume me.

Third Person's POV
Hassan gave Jasrah a light tap trying to wake her up.
"Jas get up. We are going to land. You need to come fasten your seat belt".
She got up, staggering backwards a little bit. Getting composure with Hassan holding her arm to give her support. She fastened her seat belt.

Their plane landed safely and they made their way to the exit. They were in New York, USA.
Being welcomed by a chauffeur who greeted them both with a broad smile.
"Welcome Mr and Mrs Hassan. It's good to have you back sir". He seemed trained and composed.
"Thank you Abdul". Hassan said.
He helped them with their luggages.
He was driving them to the hotel they were going to stay.
The atmosphere was quiet actually. Hassan not saying a word as he kept on using his phone.
Jasrah was focused on the view in sight. Looking at the view was mesmerizing.
They arrived at a hotel, Hotel Wellington lightened up at the top of the entrance. They hailed to the elevator, taking them to the last floor which was a presidential suite.
Hassan placed a card on a scanner by the door making a beep sound with a green blink.
He turned the nob and pushed the door open.
The place was glorious, beautifully adorned with paintings. Walls painted in bright colors.
A bell boy came in with their luggages. Hassan tipped the young boy and headed to what looked like a room. They were two days facing each other.
"This opposite room is yours. You can go take a shower and change". He said before getting in.
There was a lobby leading to a portable kitchen and there was also a balcony.
She already fell in love with it. You get to have a beautiful view of the city.

Jasrah got into the bathroom and took a long bath.
She was feeling jet lagged so she needed the bath. Her luggage was on the bed, she placed her stuff into the closet after getting dressed into her pyjamas. It was already late so she decided to sleep.

She woke up quiet early, took a quick shower and stepped out to the sitting room where she found Hassan all dressed up cooperatively.
"Good Morning. Are you going somewhere?". She asked giving him a confused look.
"Yeah there are works i need to take care of at the company".
"Won't you have breakfast then? I can prepare something in a jiffy". She offered.
"Don't worry. I'll have my assistant get me something to eat. I really need to head out". He said.
She had nothing to utter other than to nod.
"Make yourself comfortable. I'll be back soon. You can ask for your food to be brought here if you get hungry".
He made few steps towards her, making her stay fixed on the spot. He placed a kiss on her forehead before heading out.

She couldn't move nor blink. She got stuck there not being able to digest what happened.
"What the heck just happened?". She said, releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Yoooooooo 👀👀
An update 💃🏻❤️
I still have to apologize for the late update. Been kinda busy 🤧

What do you love about this chapter? Drop your comments 😁😁
I'm sensing one kind strong love oooooo 🎶🎶😂💃🏻💃🏻
Yasmeen is surely going to be a problem 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Love y'all ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Ps: I'll take care of the typos

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